
Tda 2.1 Child and Young People Development

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Tda 2.1 Child and Young People Development
Learning outcome no. 1.1

Describe the expected pattern of children and young people’s development from birth to 19 years to include :

a. physical development

b. communication and intellectual development

c. social, emotional and behavioural development

| | |Communication and intellectual development |Social, emotional and behavioural development|
|Age |Physical development | | |
|0-3 years |When they are first born, the movements are |In the first year, communication is limited to |In the first year the baby begins to develop |
| |dependent on a series of reflexes for |crying and squealing ,babbling ( 'bub-bub-bub ' |a social smile, he cries when mum leaves, he |
| |example: sucking, grasping. In their second |or 'da-da-da '), copying other people 's actions |communicates with face and body. In the |
| |year, they start to walk, they use their |(waving bye-bye), using their face to |second year he imitates the behaviour of |
| |hands for pointing, holding and starting to |communicate (smiling, frowning), listening to |others, he is more excited about company of |
| |dress and feed themselves. In the third year |sounds and voices and trying to respond or |other children, he demonstrates increasing |
| |they have more control. By example they will |interact. In the second year they start to |independence. In the third year they want to |
| |start to run,to do a lot of things |speak and after to put words together. During |know more about their own identities. Is the |
| |themselves: to eat, to dress |the third year their vocabulary will increase |period when the

Bibliography: Luise Burnham, Brenda Baker—Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools

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