Using the case 13 (page 411 in your textbook), which titled “Spin Master: Turning fun into opportunities, please answer the following questions:
1. Describe the key decisions that Harary, Rabie and Varadi faced in the start-up of their company. Looking at the decision environment, were these more programmed or non- programmed decisions types?
2. As a result of Spin Master’s success, what decision errors and traps might be a problem for them in the future?
Important points to remember about your submission: • €Double-spaced • €Times New Roman 12pt. • €Stapled (marks will be deducted if the assignment is not stapled) • €Do not exceed 2 pages • €Do not include a title page • €The assignment must be submitted to Turnitin by the deadline (see turnitin submission process below) • €The heading on the first page must include your complete name, student number, industry number, section number, name of the assignment, turnitin confirmation number and name of professor. • €The deadline for the hard-copy (must have turnitin confirmation number) submission is 9:30 AM on Wednesday, September 26th; Failure to do so will result in a penalty of 20%. Please note that late assignments will be accepted only up to 24 hours after the submission deadline. Turnitin submission process Click on the Assignments folder in Blackboard: • €Select the correct assignment and correct section: Section 4 (Friday’s class) or Section 5 (Monday’s class): Mini Assignment 1 (marks will be deducted if the assignment is submitted to the wrong section) • €Select 'file upload' to submit your paper from the drop down menu • €Select your name from the drop down menu • €Your first name and last name will automatically populate the name fields • €Enter the correct assignment name: Mini Assignment 1 • €Upload your file and click submit • €Save the emailed receipt for your records and include your turnitin