Whether or not a drug test is required by recipients of welfare has been questioned time and time again by many states. In the article "No drug test, no welfare", Kimberly Yee expands upon on this question by explaining what her stand point is on the many advantages of drug testing for welfare. In this particular article, Ms. Yee does not sufficiently argue her position on the subject of welfare recipients taking drug test to receive benefits.…
In many people’s mind the welfare system is being abused in negative ways and instead of helping the ones in need it is being used for the wrong purpose. People are becoming lazy and are not motivated to work. This causes disagreements within society because there are people who work hard and pay their taxes to basically maintain the lazy people who take advantage of it and misuse it. On the other hand, many people find the welfare program to be helpful to those family who receive a lower income, families with a single parent and famiies who overall struggling…
There is much debate regarding this issue. Supporters of requiring drug tests for welfare applicants believe that there will be many people deterred from applying due to knowing they will not pass. They also believe that some will fail the drug tests. These supporters believe this number of people will be so large that there will be a significant decrease in welfare spending. Other supporters have said “substance abuse is a prominent barrier preventing people from making the necessary transition from governmental dependence to self-reliance.”(Targeted News Service) Opponents have said this is a direct violation of our constitutional rights as American citizens. Some have even said it is not right to assume that just because people are poor, they drug users. Other opposers of welfare drug testing have argued that it will not save money at…
The Welfare Reform Act is better known as the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, this was created by former President Clinton. Clinton vowed to stop welfare, he wanted it to be someone’s right not just a privilege to receive aid. Clinton wanted to help the needy people who actually needed help, but many people were angry with the changes that it made. Clinton did not think that people’s reactions would be so negative, but they were. Medicaid did not change the way that they it provides coverage to members, but it changed how many people it covered. Clinton did not want to continue seeing his country become dependent on the assistance, he wanted to increase the employment rate. There were too many children that were living in poverty and Clinton seen a cycle that he knew he had to break.…
Drug testing welfare recipients has been a major topic across the United States for a few years now. Many argue that if working class people are subject to a test prior to hire or randomly during the length of employment, why should those that don’t have to work for money not have the same treatment? Invasion of privacy is a huge disadvantage on the government’s part, yes it is free money but that doesn’t entitle anyone, even government, to control every aspect of your life or hold it constantly over a person’s head until they feel guilt or just flat decline assistance. Let’s ask ourselves just one question; if you went to the bank for a car loan, being this is a necessity for everyday living to own, how would you feel if they asked you to take a drug test prior to lending you the money? I feel many peoples’ tune would change drastically.…
The need for welfare among society today has become increasingly large. Although the need for welfare is rapidly increasing, so is the use of drugs. This is posing as a major problem for the welfare programs. Welfare programs are now trying to put into place a new qualification where any possible recipients of welfare are required to take a drug test. For the most part, welfare recipients respect the requirements of their contract with the agency. The drug testing will just be used to eliminate any persons taking advantage of the welfare program for inappropriate use and to ensure that the welfare will go to the people who are actually in need of it. While many are more than willing to take the drug tests, there are also quite a few who are very reluctant toward this new qualification. In order to decide whether or not drug testing is a logical and fair requirement, all the pros and cons need to be laid out on the table.…
There are many welfare programs available to the public that a lot of individuals depend upon. Without access to certain benefits some people may not survive. Such benefits include food stamps, medical assistance, cash assistance, day care vouchers and job placement assistance. Although some may argue that there are people who take advantage of the welfare programs, there are plenty of people who require and appreciate the benefits provided. Recently there has been talk of drug testing welfare recipients. Because the public is concerned with welfare recipients taking advantage of the system they want to keep drug addicts from receiving benefits. This is a major controversy right now is our society but once investigated it is clear that welfare programs should not require mandatory drug testing.…
There are approximately 67,891,000 Americans receiving government assistance, that is roughly 21% of the American population using some form of welfare. (Statistic Brain) While situations may arise, and people need help, the welfare system is now being used as a crutch rather than a stepping stone to becoming independent. The government should place more conditions on the various welfare programs. People all across the country are now abusing a system that was put in place to help people survive in a time of need. Welfare was created in the 1930s following the Great Depression to provide people with some assistance while the economy was at a low…
The world we live in today is in a widespread drug epidemic. Welfare is a big discussion being brought to the table in many states, a lot of testing is being done to find out the real pros and cons deterring welfare recipients. Reaching out to the public teen to young adult age, there are many positive and negative aspects to creating this law in every state. States that conduct welfare drug testing combine paper questionnaires with physical drug testing. Many of the news articles that have been written about welfare drug testing have cited extremely low rates of positive test results as evidence showing the ineffectiveness of drug testing programs. There are numerous ways applicants can game the system. The main premise behind drug testing…
Did you know that as a tax payer, you are considered and employer? Tax payers are considered employers for all of the recipients of state and federal assistance. Welfare recipients are the employees the tax payers. So, let’s make sure as the employers that these funds are not abused by purchasing illegal drugs. Qualifying and receiving welfare is a privilege and NOT a privilege, right or entitlement for being a welfare recipient.…
“Welfare has become more accepted by mainstream American society, and it has become more of a long term commitment for some. More people than ever are now dependent on government handouts in order to survive, and the workforce is slowly shrinking as people give up looking for jobs and see government assistance as the only way to put food on the table” (Concordian).…
Many people are constantly discussing the issue of welfare recipients abusing the system and spending their money on drugs while receiving government assistance. This issue has brought forward a possible solution of states passing legislation that will require welfare applicants to submit to a drug test before receiving any sort of government assistance. Drug testing welfare applicants before allowing them to receive assistance is a positive idea because most employers require drug tests to be taken by applicants pre-employment. This will help make sure that the government funding is being put toward the family and the needs of the household, and also because in the future it will benefit the children growing…
The United States welfare system is corrupt. This problem is known by taxpayers all too well. Welfare is a very helpful system to those less fortunate; however, it has been directed away from what its original purpose was and is now available to most anyone. Too many individuals take the benefits given to them and unfairly use them. If certain regulations were to be set in place, many abusers of the system would stop taking advantage. Drug testing should be required in order to receive welfare benefits because drug testing would aid in stopping drug use, because able-bodied recipients would be pushed to look for jobs, and because most working citizens are required to take drug tests in order to work.…
“With 4, 300,000 people, roughly 4.1% of the American population on welfare, the government annually spends about 132 billion dollars on welfare, which does not include either food stamps or unemployment insurance.” (DOHHS, 2012). Since the 1930s, many forms of welfare have been assisting the needy families and less fortunate of the society. However, within the past few years or so, there have been actions made to start drug testing recipients of welfare, potentially altering the whole concept of welfare. Although, only 3 states, as of now, have actually made it a law, “getting welfare and food stamps may become tougher as twenty three states around the country seek to adopt stricter laws that would require public aid recipients to take drug tests.” (Alcindor, 2012).…
Should recipients of welfare be forced to take drug tests? States have been proposing this very thing since the federal welfare reform in 1996. Sentiments from many who are supportive of the legislation seem to be in agreement that they do not want tax dollars spent on drugs and that if you have enough money to buy drugs then you don’t need public assistance. One popular belief is that this will save wrongfully spent tax dollars and shift it to those who need it and are trying to do the right thing. They are attempting to get a job, an education or are actually caring for their families and children with the assistance. Proponents of drug testing recipients say that the people that are harmed are the tax payers and those who genuinely use this benefit for its intended purpose. While opponents of the measure, such as the ACLU, feel that such laws unjustly punish families and that it takes money away from children.…