
Should Schools Have The Right To Search A Student Car

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Should Schools Have The Right To Search A Student Car
Should schools have the right to search a students car?

For most drivers cars are like a home away from home. Lots of things can be kept in their car from clothes, blankets, tools, even a mini fridge but what is the extent that they can keep with them while on school grounds? Can the have a survival kit? What about tools the use for work? This is the question that puzzles some people in high school. It seems that most schools take away all rights of students, and it doesn't seem right to have school administration rummaging through someone's car because of suspicion.

Schools do have the right to search a students car if they have probable cause that the student violated school rules but Students have rights to be protected from an “unreasonable search or seizure” if the student is under age then the school must obtain permission to search their car but if they are over 18 the school must have permission or a search warrant to search a students car. Most of the time thought schools do not ask permission, schools have overstepped boundaries and they seem to have limitless rights.
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The school decides to search the car and find sa survival knife, (the kind that has fishing like, matches, and a compass in the handle) it's not the kind of knife that will commit a mass murder, but it's there so if he happened to break down in the woods he will be prepared. However the school sees that as a dangerous weapon and that kid is suspended or even expelled. That's not very ethical. Even tools could be seen as weapons, a claw hammer can do more damage than a survival knife. People in the school system have too much power and they put thing over their heads and it isn't

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