
Sambian Partners Case Study Analysis

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Sambian Partners Case Study Analysis
Sambian was founded in 1975 by Helen’s father Peter Gasbarian and the idea of this company was be the best architecture and engineering firm by giving the appealing offers to young talents. Helen took over the firm after her father’s death in 1997 and she made her mission to increase collaboration among the firm’s cutting-edge designers, engineers, and client account managers. The other large firms were then just begun to flourish, by then, Sambian had already designed dozens of LEED- certified building. The firm’s growth also increased and the company has opened offices in San Francisco, New York, and London. The company has many strength and weakness which are as follows,
Strengths of Sambians: - Sambian is an innovative and leading the green environment - Has all top-key employees - Very competitive - Successful firm - Employees earn the job satisfaction
Weakness of Sambians: - Management effectiveness - Organizational structure - Communication within employees - Lack in Leadership - Lack in quick Decision making - No Trust - No Team effectiveness - Loosing all talents - No effective evaluation or feedback - Not Flexible The Sambian’s is facing a great loss of highly talented employees and they are not able to find where they lack and what makes these key employees to leave the company with all kinds of reasons. Helen the CEO of the firm’s mission is to gain all the best employees in her firm to maintain her firm in top-list of their competitors list. However, in recent years they are loosing those employees. Forexample, as she states in the case, “Helen pondered the point. "Well, that's true enough: Pat Dougherty moved to Ireland 'for family reasons.' Irena Milkovic decided to go solo -- I'm still trying to figure that one out. And now Tom, to a partnership at a big traditional firm." She shook her head. "But the fact remains that it is a trend. I want to know what we need to do

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