
Push and Pull Factors Relationships.

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Push and Pull Factors Relationships.


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Submitted 14 June 2000. Resubmitted 15 October 2000. Accepted 18 December 2000. Revised 20 December 2000.
PII: S0160-7383(01)00009-3

Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 257–260, 2002  2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Printed in Great Britain 0160-7383/01/$22.00

Push and Pull Relationships
Seong-Seop Kim Sejong University, South Korea Choong-Ki Lee Dongguk University, South Korea

Uysal and Jurowski (1994) found that there is a relationship between push and pull factors. Dann (1977) referred to motivational influences on an individual as push factors. These are psychological needs which play a significant role in causing a person to feel a disequilibrium that can be corrected through a tourism experience. These intrinsic motives include escape from personal/social pressures, social recognition/prestige, socialization/bonding, self-esteem, learning/discovery, regression, novelty/thrill, and distancing from crowds (Botha, Crompton and Kim 1999). In the model of Leiper (1979), a




References: Botha, C., J. L. Crompton, and S. Kim 1999 Developing a Revised Competitive Position for Sun/Lost City, South Africa. Journal of Travel Research 37(4):341–352. Dann, G. M. S. 1977 Anomie, Ego-Enhancement and Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research 4:184–194. Leiper, N. 1979 The Framework of Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research 6:390–407. Maslow, A. 1954 Motivation and Personality. New York: Harper & Row. Plog, S. 1974 Why Destination Areas Rise and Fall in Popularity. The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 14(4):55–58. Uysal, M., and C. Jurowski 1994 Testing the Push and Pull Factors. Annals of Tourism Research 21:844–846. Submitted 8 June 2000. Resubmitted 27 November 2000. Accepted 27 December 2000. Final version 5 February 2001. PII: S0160-7383(01)00043-3

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