
Pros And Cons Of Mandatory Detention System

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Pros And Cons Of Mandatory Detention System
Mandatory detention brings no benefit for the Government or anyone else involved, in fact it has quite the opposite effect. There is a long list of drawbacks for the detention system, and one important example is that statistically, if eighty-eight per cent of asylum seekers are found to be genuine refugees, then they are in most cases entitled to a life in Australia under our protection. The urgency for vigorous border protection drops if such a high number is being resettled, as there will obviously be a lower percentage of people who are trying to enter the country for other reasons than to claim refugee status. If there is less urgency for border protection, the cost factor involved would not be so ridiculously large, and the unnecessary use of the aforementioned amounts of money in the whole scheme …show more content…

Boats are being stopped in the physical sense, but they are not deterring them. This is because when a person or group of people are being persecuted or fear persecution, they will do anything to save themselves. It is an instinct that almost every human has, to flee in the face of danger. The idea of mandatory detention cannot therefore deter people when in danger because at that point, they do not think about where they will end up, rather how they can escape. Although the act of turning the boats back, the ‘stop the boats’ policy, has gained support from a portion of Australians with a certain mind-set, the government have been receiving a lot of disrespect for their actions internationally. Organisations such as the UNHCR, the International Human Rights Commission, the Commonwealth Ombudsman and Amnesty International have all reported that inspections of detention centres do not meet the minimum standards for the housing of asylum seekers, and that Australia is breaching international law by not upholding it’s

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