
Personal Factors Affecting Children's Development

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Personal Factors Affecting Children's Development
Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of personal factors.

There are several personal factors which affect children and young people’s social, language, emotional or intelligence development.
This includes: Health status, disability, allergies and nutrition, sensory impairment visual or hearing, exercise, Addiction.

Health Status: Premature births, genetic conditions do affect the rate of physical growth. Also some long term illness like meningitis, conditions such as cystic fibrosis (A condition in which the lungs and digestive system become clogged with thick sticky mucus), sickle cell disease (Abnormally shaped red blood cells resulting in serious infections, anaemia and damage organs) have effects on physical development. Diabetes and certain heart
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Girls reach physical maturity in their early teenage. While boys start developing in their late teenage.

Exercise: Lack of regular, physical exercise affects health and behaviour of individual for e.g. obesity leading to low self-esteem in many young people. Physical appearance leads emotional, behavioural problems or may trigger hazards in physical development in future.

Allergies and nutrition: Balanced diet and nutrition are keys to physical and psychological fitness. Various food allergies affect the diet of individual which affects the physical growth. Lack of proper nutrition has adverse effects on health like anaemia, tiredness, loss of vision, etc. which harms physical, social, behavioural, intellectual development.

Addiction: In recent years, addiction of digital media in children and young people is growing, affecting their physical and social skills. For e.g. children watching television, playing video games or on mobile phones, social media for hours do not mix up in social gatherings. In young people addiction of smoking, drinking or drugs have effect on their physical and behavioural

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