
Nothing Gold Can Stay Analysis

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Nothing Gold Can Stay Analysis
Argumentative essay on Robert Frost’s Poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay.”
The poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” by Robert Frost consists of eight lines only but contains a deep meaning and strong point. It is a good example of how an author or a writer can economize words or use very few words to pass a strong message or a detailed information. Frost uses Simple words and combines the use of various language stylistic devices like alliteration, rhyme and assonance to bring out the message of the poem in a well-structured and understandable manner. The poem brings together the author’s attraction for nature and his trend in making straight statements. In this poem, the narrator demonstrates nature in springtime whereby all things are green as gold. The flowers are usually seen to grow in a beautiful manner but they don’t exist or last forever since after a short time, the flowers usually die and also the leaves fall off. The poem shows that, although life is sometimes taken for granted, it is delicate and those moments that seem to be
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Frost takes dawn to be the peak of the day reason being that dawn takes place moments before the day. In addition to that, Frost assumes that the ultimate point of the year is the spring since it seems to be a short period in a year. Frost emphasizes his argument that change is inevitable and that nothing lasts forever through the last line of the poem where he says that “Nothing Gold Can Stay”. This emphasizes the fact that the plants or leaves do not remain green forever, a human does not remain young forever and therefore change must occur to all the living livings at a certain time in life. Therefore the various examples provided in the poem builds the theme of the poem that change is

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