
Latino Hate Crimes

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Latino Hate Crimes
For my topic and potential research paper I chose to do my research on hate crimes focusing on the Latino population. I chose this because I am currently taking Latino/a Struggles for Civil Rights and Social Justice. The course focuses on social movements that have occurred in the past and the effects the social movements have had on social justice and civil rights for Latino/as today, as well as other impacts the movements may have had on other minorities. For this course, I was instructed to do a ten to twelve-page paper on a research topic approved by the professor in which I chose to do hate crimes. I chose hate crimes because I'm interested in law, and wanted to tie the assignment to something that I'm interested in so that I can work …show more content…
Hate crimes are a distinct class of offenses committed towards individuals or groups as a result of their age, race, religion, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Although we tend to think hate crimes are only committed against, African Americans, during the civil rights era, many Latino/as were subjected to hate crimes as well. Hate crimes have unfavorable effects on the individuals who experience it. As a society, we should be learning more about hate crimes to prevent future hate crimes from taking place. Also, the education of hate crimes can reduce the predominance of the crimes as a result of society being aware of its effects and consequences.
In my research paper, I sought to address hate crimes specifically on the Latino/a population, reviewing the history of hate crimes on this particular group. Examining the types of hate crimes whether it had been physical or verbal abuse, property damage, harassment, etc. Lastly, I wanted to assess how hate crimes affected the lives of the Latino/a population and their
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These two were the most helpful in my opinion because I gained a lot of knowledge reading this book and I know when I begin to write my essay, my paper will be genuine. The hate crime statistics were helpful because now I can put facts into my paper, instead of saying "Latino/as endure hate crimes" I can say that with percentages and go further into detail on how many Latino/as have experienced hate crimes, and specifically what types of hate crimes have they endured.
The least helpful sources for me were the scholarly journals. In my experience of writing research papers I find it very hard to incorporate academic journals into my work and the purpose of having to use a scholarly journal is very unclear to me. I prefer to write how I feel and use information such as cases and statistics to back up what I am saying or at least trying to say. I don't feel a scholarly journal allows me to do that because most of the time an academic journal is written just to inform or bring awareness to the original research. I'd prefer to deal with the actual research

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