Jean Anyon in the source “From Social Class and The Hidden Curriculum of Work,” tries to explain first class education is only made obtainable to kids in a wealthier class. In her piece, Anyon claims “…knowledge and skills leading to social power and regard are made available to the advantage social groups but are withheld from the working classes...” She also makes an assertion that because schools in the wealthier areas are better behaved they get a better education. For example Anyon implies this when she says, “…students in different social class backgrounds are rewarded for classroom behavior.” She does not make it direct but as you read her essay on the matter it proves to be what she is suggesting. Her analysis and argument
Jean Anyon in the source “From Social Class and The Hidden Curriculum of Work,” tries to explain first class education is only made obtainable to kids in a wealthier class. In her piece, Anyon claims “…knowledge and skills leading to social power and regard are made available to the advantage social groups but are withheld from the working classes...” She also makes an assertion that because schools in the wealthier areas are better behaved they get a better education. For example Anyon implies this when she says, “…students in different social class backgrounds are rewarded for classroom behavior.” She does not make it direct but as you read her essay on the matter it proves to be what she is suggesting. Her analysis and argument