University of Phoenix
HRM 531
April 07, 2015
Training Plan for Landslide Limousines
Companies must have an effective training plan in place to be successful. A structured training plan for Landslide Limousines ensures that employees receive exposure to the strategic goals and objectives to the organization. Company based training will provide consistent knowledge and experience to an employee about the organizations expectations and procedures. Well trained employees assist with the company in accomplishing and achieving their organizational and personal goals to succeed. The following succinct training plan outlined below is developed for Landslide Limousines that begins with a needs assessment. Training methods are also provided with the strategies necessary to assist with the evaluation of the training program.
Needs Assessment Analysis
The needs assessment will serve as a blueprint for development of Landslide Limousines training plan. The needs assessment will also assist with understanding the processes of implementation and the desired outcomes for the …show more content…
Proper training has a positive benefit that affects important issues in the business like saving assets and protecting lives. Highly skilled employees possess the knowledge necessary to safely and effectively perform the duties required by the company. How one conducts training is a major decision that every business struggles with every day that they are in operation. Consider all of the factors that effective training involves, like time and cost, training objectives, and the training environment. The way that training is delivered is very important. If the information is not delivered in the proper way to the employees, they will not be properly trained and the training will have been a waste of time and money, resources, and capital (Ongoing Training: A Method for Success,