
How Digital Media Users Recreate Some Aspects of Face-to-Face Communication

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How Digital Media Users Recreate Some Aspects of Face-to-Face Communication
Explore the ways that users of digital media re-create some aspects of face to face communication.

SMS (or text messaging) is very popular. A study by OFCOM (who work in the UK communications industry) have found that in the UK in 2014 around 150 billion text messages were sent that year. Users are from all age groups, however it is most common in the 14-20 year old age category. On the apps you can use emoji’s to make it easier to express emotions and make it more like a face to face conversation. However messaging is causing a huge debate; some people love it but some loathe it. An article written by John Humphrey in the Daily mail called ‘I h8 txt msgs: How texting is wrecking our language’. However Graeme Patton form the Telegraph newspaper took a different view; his article was Text messaging 'improves children's spelling skills'

When messaging someone we use ‘turn taking’ this is much like in a face to face conversation. This is because in an orderly face to face conversation people take turns when speaking. This is also done when texting. For instance when I was talking to my mum she said ‘Where are you?’ so I replied saying ‘at the bus lanes’, she then said ‘ok I will be 2 mins’ to which I replied ‘ok cheers.’ Turn taking is very important in both face to face and digital media, it shows that people are equal in the conversation also because if there was one person talking then it would not be conversation, just a person talking to them self.

When I am texting a friend, I often do not use the correct words because it is easier because it is much quicker to type it than spell the whole word out. This makes it more like a face to face conversation because I often use acronyms like ‘OMG’ (Oh my God) or ‘lol’ (laugh out loud). Sometimes when texting on my phone I tend to use acronyms quite often. For instance in a conversation with my friend Charlie I said ‘OMG, you have to watch this video LOL’ to which he replied ‘OMD that is so funny’. In a face to face

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