
How Did The Rise And Fall Of The Anasazi Civilization

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How Did The Rise And Fall Of The Anasazi Civilization
The Anasazi civilization fell because of a variety of geographical reasons. The most prominent are drought, famine, and climate change. During periods of time where it would fluctuate between normal rainfall and drought, the Anasazi farmers would move up into the mountains where the soil had retained more water. However, during their decline, the earth was cooling slightly, so the mountains were too cold to farm. Thus, famine occurred. “Anasazi farmers were kept from moving to higher, moister grounds by a worldwide cooling trend called the Little Ice Age.” says George Johnson. It supports me as it backs up my claim of cooling temperatures and, weakly, of the drought. Another source states, “Without rain, it was impossible to grow enough food …show more content…
Farmers were probably among those who were most affected. Obviously, one needs water to farm, and “drought led to reduced harvests.” (“The History of The Anasazi”) As the article acutely points out, the farmers were affected by the lessened return of their crops. The drought made it so that the farmers could barely even farm. The shortage of crops then creates an effect on much of the village, like the women and children. You see, “women spent hours each day grinding corn into flour.” (“Who Were the Anasazi?”) They spent an enormous portion of their day doing something that was supplied by something that was greatly reduced. Sure, they also weaved baskets or sandals and made clay pottery, but if there's no rain to make mud and grow fibrous grasses and reeds, women couldn't have done that either. As an effect of the drought and climate change, “widespread famine occurred.” (“Collapse: Chaco Canyon”) A few sites discussed about this area of the fall rather briefly, letting me draw a few conclusions. The Anasazi suffered from years of starvation, and most, if not all, of them probably had malnutrition. The adults grew thinner and weaker, making it harder to hunt wild animals or gather edible plants that managed to grow. The children grew up shorter and skinnier. Everyone was more susceptible to disease, and people likely died from them. The hunger itself would've been bad enough, but any lost family members or friends worsened the

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