
How Did The Fall Of Athens

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How Did The Fall Of Athens
The Athenian Empire, One of the Greatest Empires and One of the Fastest to go.

The Athenian Empire, one of the most successful and greatest empires of all of Ancient period. From its rise from the unique way of living, its senate, and its agricultural and trading power, Athens became incredibly powerful, wealthy, and was the main power in the Ancient world. Not only was the Athenian empire strong in its culture and money making, its Navy was its strongest than any other power at the time. It was truly, incomparable at its golden age. Sadly, all golden ages end and the Athenian Empire fell. And boy did it fall hard.

Athens rose to power with the help of trading, cultivation, raising animals, and mining. The geographical placement of Athens was
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Sparta then prepared for war against Athens. As war broke out Athens began to fall and lose the war. Mainly because they were better fighters on water and not on land. Unlike the Spartans who were the best at fighting on the land. Another reason why Athens were failing miserably against the Spartans was because of a plague that broke out during the war. “During the whole time that the Peloponnesians were in Attica and the Athenians on the expedition in their ships, men kept dying of the plague both in the armament and in Athens” (Book 2, Chap 8, Paragraph 9) As if it could get any worse, Athens thought it was a great idea to try to conquer Sicily while they were fighting Sparta. “The same winter the Athenians resolved to sail again to Sicily, with a greater armament than that under Laches and Eurymedon, and, if possible, to conquer the island; most of them being ignorant of its size and of the number of its inhabitants, Hellenic and barbarian, and of the fact that they were undertaking a war not much inferior to that against the Peloponnesians.” (Book 6,Chap 28, Paragraph

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