Philosophy 310
Kelsey Reinholt
Gun Control
The view on this paper will be from a pro-gun stand point providing valid points of view from the individual’s right to own guns to protect themselves and how instilling strict gun laws actually do not lessen gun crimes as anti-gun advocates proclaim. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution states, “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The United States has the highest total and per capita of gun owners in the world which is clearly with inside the United States Constitution. As far back as 1792 a federal law was signed by President …show more content…
The individual right theory is primarily based on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Over time anti-gun advocates tried to break down the meaning of the second amendment on the premise of the “collective rights theory”. The collective right theory is primarily based on the individual does not have the right to possess guns and the local, state or federal level. The initial meaning and application of the Second Amendment drew far less attention compared to the current court cases of modern times.
Stiffer gun laws don’t equal less violent crimes. Mexico has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world but yet Mexico has over 3 times as many violent gun crimes as the United States. Recent studies have shown as high as 75 percent of mass killers have used legally purchased firearms. So in theory, regardless of stricter gun controls concerning legally purchased firearms will not prevent violent criminals from acquiring firearms or breaking laws whatever means possible.
The Second Amendment was passed almost 225 years ago and our current world is much different than back then. So the original theory regarding the Second Amendment needs to make current to adapt to our current laws in fighting against crime. Nothing can be effective or relevant over 225