According to US Constitution, the 2nd amendment allows citizen to bear firearms and was adopted on December 15,1791. On the early 50’s the Supreme Court of the US has ruled that the right belongs to individuals. Retrieved from Due to the fact that the 2nd amendment allows those who want to protect …show more content…
They deserve a place of honor with all that is good. When firearms go, all goes. We need them every hour. The Second Amendment is one of the most important rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. The operative text states that “the right of the people to keep a bear arms…shall not be infringed. Retrieved from
Most of the population are against the 2nd amendment because of the higher crime rate. The amendment was created to protect the citizens instead we use the rules which was created for goods turned into evil. I, myself, personally believe we should preserve our 2nd amendment because it allows the population to make decision on right and wrong. The process to carry firearms needs more cordial and thoroughly to eliminates the problematic of having the firearms into the wrong hands, the government needs to create a system which allow each state to severely punished those who carry illegal