
Gun Conrol Rebuttal Individual Argument Rebuttal

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Gun Conrol Rebuttal Individual Argument Rebuttal
Individual Argument Rebuttal
Jeff Moore
BCOM 275
January 27, 2013
R. Mascarenas

In light of the recent shootings across the United States, the topic of gun control has flared up and been tossed around by lobbyists, politicians, news journalists and the public. There have been discussions over whether gun control laws cost or save lives. Gun control has become an issue throughout the world with each country exercising its right to regulate firearms between their borders. American economist and social theorist Thomas Sowell deliberates the topic in a recent journal entry in the Denton Record Chronicle.

Whenever a mass shooting happens in the United States, gun control supporters say that something must change. Usually these statements include restrictions on gun ownership and some even go as so far as to discuss an outright ban on the weapons. Sowell argues in his post that taking away guns from people costs lives and “most studies show no reduction in gun crimes, including murder, under gun control laws” but doesn’t provide any reference for his claim. I disagree with his view points and question the reliability and credibility of his data because the way he perceives his view. After reading his article and doing some digging on Sowell, one could only come to the conclusion that his liberal viewpoints are subjective to say the very least. The left believe it is the duty of the government lighten social issues and protect civil liberties and human rights. I disagree with his viewpoint that more guns mean more violence. What we need is current enforcement of the laws we already have. He also states that “virtually all gun control advocates say that 30 bullets in a magazine is far too many for self-defense or hunting” and claims “the uninformed and self-righteous dogmatism is what makes the gun control debate useless.” By his reasoning, automatic guns should be available to the public because they ‘might’ need to attack a shoplifter at any given

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