
Genesis 1-11: Biblical Worldview

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Genesis 1-11: Biblical Worldview
Matthew Peavy
Professor Ed Hindson
BIBL 105
25 January 2014
Biblical Worldview Essay Genesis. This word means “beginning.” This is a fitting title to a book whose pages record the beginning of everything-the beginning of creation, man, sin, family, and civilization. There is one topic that Genesis does not deal with, the beginning of God. Why? God has no beginning, and in a sense, the Bible is God’s autobiography. The more I read and study God’s word, the more I realize it was written supernaturally. My goal in this paper is to describe what Genesis 1-11 teaches regarding the natural world, human identity, human relationship, and civilization, and how these topics have affected my worldview by taking a journey through the pages of the
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Lots of people get hung up on this verse. Think about it for a moment, the heavens and the earth, how does He create this? If one cannot grasp verse 1 this presents a problem, in that one cannot grasp the verses that follow. Did He really create the natural world in just six days? It’s just not scientific! Folks, remember the book in your hand doesn’t claim to be scientific, but there is no proven scientific fact that contradicts anything written in this book. “Do you not know? Do you not hear? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in; Isaiah 40:21-22. If you really search your heart and even go over the logic of the creation, it makes since that only a supernatural, all knowing, loving God could create such perfection. This passionate belief is the foundation of my worldview and of who I am as a person today. Because of Genesis 1, I live my life under the certainty that everything is created for a specific purpose. God made every creature and every plant to play their part in the extravagant story of the world, just as everything that happens in life is a perfect piece of the …show more content…
Our human identity is found in Christ our creator, savior, and redeemer. “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them,” Genesis 1:27. Once you believe in creation of the natural world, everything else falls into place like the creation of humans. In Genesis 2:7 the bible says, “ And the Lord formed man of the dust of the ground.” Here the Hebrew term for creation (formed) is pictorial in nature, describing the work of the potter; thus the “dust of the ground” should be understood as clay (Jeremmiah) . The image of God as a potter molding us into what He wants is a glimpse of His love and grace (Romans 9:21). God breathed the breath of life into humans, rather than giving them life like the birds of the air thus distinguishing from animals. So as you can see , we are not created with error. God handcrafted everyone of us in His image. The God I serve doesn’t create junk. The perfect creation of man and woman and husband and wife, furthers my worldview. There is a God and I was created in His image for a

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