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Failure and Hav E Time

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Failure and Hav E Time
”I Do n’t Hav e Time to Think !” versus the Art o f Re ectiv e P ract ice w RAELIN
cally Ž nd the abilit y to re-engag e continuously . Is it that the relationship s created have become so trusting that the vulnerabilit y often associated with re ection is no longe r a concern ? We believ e that is the case, but are not sure.
If communitie s of practice in collaborative environment s tend to encourag e reection, then interorganizationa l communitie s of practice would appea r to requir e it . Ther e is rarely a clear lin e of authorit y on joint projects. A compellin g argumen t for project completio n must be adopted and internalize d by all participant s in order to achiev e success. Absent facilitated re ection , failur e to appreciate the whole story and understand the uniqu e perspective of several organizations will in crease the likelihoo d of a failed effort. The creation of ‘‘safe space’’ become s the critica l elemen t in successful consortia and the communitie s of practice they seek to produce . Without tha t space, re ection is less likel y to occur. Shared reection, even in modest quantities, is part of every suc cessful effort within our consortium and often absent in those that do not meet our hope s and expectations. References
Darling , M.J. and C.S. Parry. ‘ ‘After-Action Reviews: Linkin g Re ection and Plannin g in Learnin g Practice.’ ’ Re- ections 3 (Winte r 2001): 64 – 72.
Wenger, E., R. McDermott, and W.M. Snyder. Cultivatin g Communitie s of Practice (Boston: Harvard Business
School Press, 2002).

References: Darling , M.J. and C.S. Parry. ‘ ‘After-Action Reviews: Linkin g Re ection and Plannin g in Learnin g Practice.’ ’ Re- ections 3 (Winte r 2001): 64 – 72. Wenger, E., R. McDermott, and W.M. Snyder. Cultivatin g Communitie s of Practice (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2002).

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