
Egypt Vs Mesopotamia Comparative Essay

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Egypt Vs Mesopotamia Comparative Essay
How much did ancient civilizations have in common? To figure this out the civilizations like Ancient \Egypt and Mesopotamia need to be compared and contrasted. All of the ancient civilizations formed around rivers, but is there really anything alike about them beyond geographic location.
Where did these ancient civilizations form? Ancient Egypt formed along the nile river. The nile provided water and fertile ground for the people of Egypt. The river flooded in a consistent pattern which made it easier for growing crops. Due to the surrounding desert the people of ancient egypt had to live within fifty miles of the river. The rest of the area was uninhabitable due to no water. The ancient civilization of Mesopotamia formed between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The rivers were again a major part of the civilization due to the water needed for crops. These rivers however were
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Neither of them had a government system like the United States has today. In Mesopotamia, priests and kings ran the cities. In Egypt pharaohs and priests were the main leaders but other wealthy people helped lead. So both civilizations had a very similar power chain. Their writing however was not the same at all. The egyptians wrote in hieroglyphs while the people of Mesopotamia wrote in cuneiform.
How did religion compare between Egypt and Mesopotamia. Both Mesopotamia and Egypt were polytheistic societies. The flooding of the rivers had to do with the consistency of the gods. In both societies priests are at the top of the class system. They play a major part in religion. The gods were pictured differently in these societies. A few of the Egyptian gods were Ra, Anubis, and Osiris. A few of the Mesopotamian gods were Ashur, Anu, and Enki .
In conclusion there were many similarities and differences between Mesopotamia and Egypt. They both created different things to try to improve societies. They were similar in some aspects and different in

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