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Correlation between Internet Addiction and Academic Performance of the students in Northville 15 Integrated School.

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Correlation between Internet Addiction and Academic Performance of the students in Northville 15 Integrated School.
Pampanga State Agricultural University
Magalang, Pampanga

A partial requirement in
MAED 202 (Methods of Research)

Correlation between Internet Addiction and Academic Performance of the students in Northville 15 Integrated School.


Master of Arts in Education
Major in Educational Management



The Internet is a relatively new channel for scholarly resources, and contains vast quantities of information that vary a great deal regarding its contents, aim, target group, reliability etc. Hence, it is important that the end-user is aware of the diverse information available on the Internet, and educated in the criteria by which the information content should be assessed (Chapman, 2002). The fabulous growth in telecommunication has brought online services, specialized electronic networks, WebPages, E-mail, software and global information resources to our homes as well as to education. The Internet provides an environment in which millions of people participate and engage in the creation and exchange of information (Rose & Fernlund, 1997).

Students have only recently received the opportunity to use the Internet to seek and obtain scholarly material and, consequently, knowledge on how effectively they make use of this channel is limited. Students ' information seeking culminates as they work on their theses. Many studies have been conducted regarding the type of information the end-users seek and obtain on the Internet and in which circumstances they prefer electronic sources to paper sources (Tenopir et al. 2003).

According to their survey, approximately 50% of all the scholarly publications were obtained from the Internet, who studied geography student 's use of sources on the Internet by analyzing citations from a test, found that 51% of the citations referred to sources on paper, 47% of the sources were from the Internet and the rest was course material. (Fescemeyer, 2000).

Internet use has become very popular in many areas as well as in education in recent years. Accordingly, Internet access in schools has increased greatly over the last 20 years (Berson, 2000).
Many experts see the computer, combined with multimedia capabilities, as the new tool that can transform education (Van Horn, 1991) points out that the computer can solve many of the problems facing teachers. In today 's environment the teacher is expected to have a large knowledge base. The teacher also has the problem of deciding to teach at the low end or the high end of the grade level. Many compromise and teach in the middle. Computers can solve these two problems by enabling teachers to customize instruction for each student (McKeown, 1991).

Today, the Internet has made the world a global village in which one can in a blink of an eye reach out to someone in any other part of the world. Some of us from the third world countries have not fully deployed Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in our education system for the purpose of teaching and learning.

Theoretical / Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the academic performance of the students?
2. What are the effects of using internet?
3. Is there a significant relationship between the academic performance and the effects of using the internet?
4. What is the amount of time spent per day in browsing the internet?
5. Is there a significant relationship between the academic performance and the time in the browsing the internet?
6. What is the level of addition of the students in terms of using the internet?
7. Is there a significant relationship between the level of addiction of using the internet and the academic performance of the students?

Hypotheses of the Study

This study will test the following hypotheses:

1. There is no significant relationship between the academic performance and the effects of using the internet.
2. There is no significant relationship between the academic performance and the time spent in browsing the internet.
3. There is no significant relationship between the academic performance and the level of addiction in using the internet.

Significance of the Study
In an increasingly technology–dependent based society, people will continue to use computers not only for business but also for pleasure. Computers have become a social economic necessity that permeates every part of our lives. It is feasible that in the future, every person in the world may own or use a computer. The researcher wants to conduct this research to know the effects of being addicted to the internet towards the academic performance of the students from Northville 15 Integrated School, Angeles City. Furthermore, this research aims to give significance to the following:
For the students, they will know what effects of being addicted to the internet. They will be more conscious on the said effects. They will know what are the bad impacts of habitually using of the internet.
Teachers, they will be giving more attention to the students. They can help and let their students explore deeper words, meanings and thoughts that the students learned from using the internet. In longer time, they will have fun and at the same time they are also learning.
And Parents, they will be benefitted by they will have more time and communication with their children. They surely know how to limit their child from using the internet.
Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined in accordance with their conceptual and theoretical meaning to have a working knowledge and better understanding of the research study.

Academic Performance - refers to how students deal with their studies and how they cope with or accomplish different tasks given to them by their teachers.

Internet – refers to global network connecting millions of computers.

Internet Addiction - is defined as any online-related, compulsive behavior which interferes with normal living and causes severe stress on family, friends, loved ones, and one 's work environment.

Internet Addiction Test (IAT) - is a reliable and valid measure of addictive use of Internet, developed by Dr. Kimberly Young.

Foreign Literature
The controversy over whether technology actually improves student learning is one that stirs debate and motivates research. The articles reported in the economics literature have been limited both in quantity and scope with methods and results varying across studies. The literature has focused primarily on the impact of technologies in general on student learning; few studies have examined the direct link between educational outcomes such as GPA and Internet use.
Gratton-Lavoie and Stanley (2009) compare undergraduate students who opted to enroll in online microeconomics classes against those who opted for the traditional in-class course. Results show a higher average score on exams for students enrolled in online classes. However, after accounting for selection bias, results indicate that age positively affects students ' average exam scores, with the online teaching mode having a very small effect on average exam scores. Kubey et al. (2001) uses a small survey of 572 students at a public university and finds that heavy Internet use is highly correlated with poor academic performance.
Angrist and Lavy (2002) argue that most studies covering enhancements of learning through technology focus on qualitative factors, such as participant perceptions. Thus, an empirical approach is undertaken which compares outcomes between students who supplement learning with computer aides against those students who do not. Their results show that increased educational use of computers seems to have little or no effect on students ' test scores. Ordinary least squares regression estimates demonstrate no relationship between computer-aided instruction and academic achievement, with the exception of a negative effect on eight-grade mathematics scores.
Ball et al. (2006) examine the effect of employing wireless handheld technology by students on academic performance in undergraduate principles of economics courses by way of a controlled experiment. One group of students (experimental group) were equipped with wireless handheld devices that allows interactive participation with standard economics games, multiple choice tests, and communication with the instructor during class time. The second group (control group) was not given the devices. Course content, assignments, exams, and so on, were identical between both groups. Results show that students in the experimental group earned final grades that were an average of 3.2 points higher than did the students in the control group.

Anstine and Skidmore (2005) assess whether MBA students in online economics classes learn as much of the material (measured by average exam scores) as did their counterparts in the traditional economics classes. Specifically, a small sample of MBA students was given the option to enroll in either an online or traditional class. Accounting for sample selection bias, regression analysis proffers that students in the online classes did not learn as much, suggesting that the online learning environment is less effective than the traditional classroom environment.
Jackson et al. (2006) studies the impact of home Internet use on academic performance of 140 low-income children between December 2000 and June 2002. The degree of Internet use is calculated using four measures: minutes per day spent online, logins per day, number of domains visited per day, and number of emails sent per day. Academic performance of participants was measured by GPA and standardized test scores on the Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP). Results suggest that children with greater Internet use had higher GPAs and higher MEAP scores. However, the higher MEAP scores were only in the reading portion, with Internet use having no effect on the mathematics portion of the MEAP test.

It is worth noting that at least one study examined adolescents ' activities while online (Hunley, Evans, Delgado-Hachey, Krise, Rich, Schell, 2005). Employing a logbook approach whereby students documented their time for a seven-day period, Hunley et al. (2005) found that at least 50% of the students (N = 101) logged the following activities while online (hours per week indicated in parenthesis): visiting web sites (1.27), playing games (4.43), reading the news (0.73), researching information (1.22), and emailing (1.13). Fewer than 50% of the students spent time chatting (2.12), word processing (2.13), shopping (1.60), and "other" (2.00).
Many studies have limited sample sizes and education-related variables. In contrast, our analysis employs a much larger sample size of students for which there is substantially greater information on demographics and household characteristics. Moreover, the number of variables available in our dataset is large and generally exceeds the number of variables found in the datasets in the above studies.

Foreign Studies
Early support for the concept of “Internet addiction” comes from Young (1996), who posted a form-based survey on a website that allowed for self-selecting anonymous input from “avid Internet users” that found that 396 of her self-selecting 496 respondents (79.83%) qualified as “Internet dependent.” Young concludes that “pathological use of the Internet can result in significant academic, social and occupational consequences similar to those problems that have been well-documented in other established addictions such as pathological gambling, eating and alcoholism” (Young, 1996, p. 4). Young’s report has attracted substantial media coverage and, not surprisingly, criticism for self-selection sampling bias. The publicity has sparked a debate as to whether excess Internet use can actually constitute pathological behavior similar to gambling or substance dependence, or whether heavy Internet use is merely a behavioral manifestation of psychological problems that would find another channel were Internet access unavailable (Brown, 1996; Grohol, 1995; Holmes, 1997).

For obvious reasons, it should be noted that the impact of Internet access on on-campus instruction is still very low for various reasons: The technology is new, very costly, and perhaps too threatening to existing academic structures and traditions. This view was supported by Brownand Duguid (1996). The influence of Internet on Academic Performance of students differs depending on population. Some studies reported no significance effect, however, other studies affirmed effect of Internet access of students with a post test results according to Ehrman (1995).
In contributing to the academic performance of students, Wagner (1998) saw internet as a forum that promote group discussion which is time and distance independent. The world wide web service provided by the internet with over 5 million web sites allow students from all disciplines to source for relevant information. Busari (2001) sees the internet as a medium through which lecturers and students can meet without seeing each other. Students can also learn through teleconferencing whereby the use of small video camera and microphone members of the group can actually see and hear each other.
Sanni et al (2009) in a recent study observed that there is a gender difference in internet use and thus adequate attention should be paid to ensuring equal access between male and female students. The study also establishes that the present level of capabilities for internet-assisted research is encouraging and that improving internet facilities in our universities will enhance academic research in Nigerian tertiary institutions if strategically embarked upon.
In a report by The Future of Children(2005), the research conducted appears to corroborate parents ' perceptions that home computer use is related to better academic performance. For example, early home computer use studies found that high school students who used educational software at home scored significantly higher than other students on computer literacy tests. Home computer use has been linked to improvements in general academic performance as well. For example, a longitudinal study published in 1995 which tracked a group of students from seventh through twelfth grade, found that the students with computers at home had higher overall grades and better grades in math and English than those without home computers. Furthermore, students with home computers are also more likely to have families with greater income and education, factors that are highly correlated with better academic performance. But even just among those with home computers, heavier users performed better academically than light users: students who reported using their home computers for at least 10 hours during the school year for activities unrelated to a class also reported better overall grades, better grades in math and English, and did better on a test of scientific knowledge than those who reported using their home computer less.
Geri and Grace-Martin (2001) discovered that the emergence of statistically significant results suggests that quantitative characteristics of browsing behavior can be useful predictors of meaningful behavioral outcomes. Variables such as number of browsing sessions and length of browsing sessions correlated with students’ final grades. The valence and magnitude of these correlations were found to interact with the course (whether a student was enrolled in the communications or computer science course), browsing context, and gender. According to Carvin (2006) researchers noted that for the first six months of the study, Internet access appeared to have no effect on GPA. However, Internet usage did predict GPA obtained after one year of home access. This pattern continued through the end of the study, the researchers observing a correlation between home Internet access and higher grade points. They also correlated home access with higher standardized test scores in reading: More time online was associated with higher reading comprehension and total reading scores. They attributed these results to the text-heavy nature of Internet. Having access to the amount of information that the Internet provide help students complete homework and projects. Socializing tools help students study with their peers. Students already use this technology and if teachers starts to teach their students to use these tools to enhanced their education, then there will be a strong correlation between Internet access and GPA.
Osunade, Ojo and Ahisu (2009) research work showed a significant difference in academic performance between those who had Internet access and those without.


This chapter presents the method of research, the subjects of the study, the method of gathering data, the research instruments or tools and the statistical treatment of the gathered data.

Research Method
The Descriptive Method will be used in this research to test the relationship between internet addiction and the academic performance of the students.

Subjects of the Study
The subjects of this study will be the students of Northville 15 Integrated School, Angeles City for academic year 2014 – 2015.
Research Instrument
The following instruments will be used in this research:
Internet addiction: Young’s Internet Addiction Test (IAT) developed by Young (1998). It consists 15 questions designed to identify people as mildly, modernly, and severely addicted to internet. It is scores 5 point rating scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The total score range is from 20-100. Scores ≤49 are considered normal, 50-79 is considered problematic, and 80-100 is considered as significantly problematic.
Academic Performance: Academic performance of the students will be measured based on their GPA for this academic year 2014-2015.

Personal Information:
Name : _________________________________________
Year & Section : _________________________________________
GPA : _________________________________________

Internet Addiction Test:
Please indicate according to the following scale. Encircle only one.
0 - Does not apply
1 - Rarely
2 - Occasionally
3 - Frequently
4 - Often
5 - Always

How often do you find that you stay on-line longer than you intended?
How often do you neglect household chores to spend more time on-line?
How often do others in your life complain to you about the amount of time you spend on-line?
How often do your grades or school work suffers because of the amount of time you spend on-line?
How often do you check your email before something else that you need to do?
How often does your academic performance suffer because of the Internet?
How often do you block out disturbing thoughts about your life with soothing thoughts of the Internet?
How often do you find yourself anticipating when you will go on-line again?
How often do you fear that life without the Internet would be boring, empty, and joyless?
How often do you lose sleep due to late-night log-ins?
How often do you find yourself saying “just a few more minutes” when online?
How often do you choose to spend more time on-line over doing assignments or projects?
How often do you cut classes because of internet?
How often do you failed to submit requirements in the school?


Muhammad Musaud Asdaque. Effect of internet on the academic performance and social life of university students in Pakistan Retrieved October 15, 2014 from B. Okike (2011). The effects of the internet on the the academic performance of Nigerian students (a case study of univerisyt of Abuja). Retrieved October 15, 2014 from

Austin, W. and Totaro, M. (2011). High school students ' academic performance and internet usage. Retrieved October 16, 2014 from

P.M. Ogedebe (2012). Internet usage and students’ academic performance in Nigeria Tertiary Institutions. A case study of University of Maiduguri. Retrieved October 16, 2014 from

K. Young (2009). Internet Addiction Test (IAT). Retrieved October 16, 2014 from

N. Akhter (2003). Relationship between Internet Addiction and Academic Performance among University Undergraduates Retrieved October 16, 2014 from

RW Kubey (2001). Internet Use and Collegiate Academic Performance Decrements: Early Findings. Retrieved October 16, 2014 from

Bibliography: Muhammad Musaud Asdaque. Effect of internet on the academic performance and social life of university students in Pakistan Retrieved October 15, 2014 from B. Okike (2011). The effects of the internet on the the academic performance of Nigerian students (a case study of univerisyt of Abuja). Retrieved October 15, 2014 from Austin, W. and Totaro, M. (2011). High school students ' academic performance and internet usage. Retrieved October 16, 2014 from P.M. Ogedebe (2012). Internet usage and students’ academic performance in Nigeria Tertiary Institutions. A case study of University of Maiduguri. Retrieved October 16, 2014 from K. Young (2009). Internet Addiction Test (IAT). Retrieved October 16, 2014 from N. Akhter (2003). Relationship between Internet Addiction and Academic Performance among University Undergraduates Retrieved October 16, 2014 from RW Kubey (2001). Internet Use and Collegiate Academic Performance Decrements: Early Findings. Retrieved October 16, 2014 from

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