Vygotsky mainly focused on working together and socialising to get information from others. This is where Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory of cognitive development comes into place as he focuses on mediation and the assistance for learning a concept or a procedure from knowledgeable adults or peers (able helping the less able) (Duchesne & McMaugh, 2016).
Throughout the scenario, the Year Five class took an informal learning approach as the children were given access to seeds and their outside environment to discover and explore their surroundings with …show more content…
When studying about seeds core guided discovery was made and less exploratory and spontaneous. This resulted in not covering the issue of differentiation and how each child has different needs to be catered for, rather than the whole class basis, which is also expected by the Board of Studies. Whereas Piaget mainly focuses on the differentiation of the development of a child rather than learning, and understands that each child has a different way of learning, but in contrast does not address learning of information or specific mental