Volume 36 | Issue 10 Article 3
Classroom behaviour management preparation in undergraduate primary teacher education in Australia : A web-based investigation.
Sue C. O'Neill
Macquarie University Special Education Centre, Sydney, Susan.ONeill@uts.edu.au
Jennifer Stephenson
Macquarie University Special Education Centre, Sydney, jennifer.stephenson@mq.edu.au
Recommended Citation
O'Neill, Sue C. and Stephenson, Jennifer (2011) "Classroom behaviour management preparation in undergraduate primary teacher education in Australia : A web-based investigation.," Australian Journal of Teacher Education: Vol. 36: Iss. 10, Article 3. Available at: http://ro.ecu.edu.au/ajte/vol36/iss10/3
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Programs were located by using the search terms primary teaching courses in Google and limiting the results to Australian sites. Results were cross-checked against a Google search using the search terms of Australian tertiary institution. Each program description located, was then examined to determine whether the program was a four-year undergraduate degree program. Where institutions had more than one program that could prepare their graduates to teach primary aged students (e.g. combined early childhood and primary), such programs were included only if no specific primary program was provided by that …show more content…
These units, when further reviewed by drawing on additional information, were retained only if contained content on classroom /behaviour management strategies. Units that had readings with clear evidence of classroom behaviour management content or strategies were retained even if unit descriptions did not include classroom behaviour management key words. Stage two involved an in-depth investigation of each unit. Information was collected from the range of sources described earlier, for each identified unit on: a) the type of teacher education to which program that the unit belonged (i.e., primary degree, combined degree, multi-age, or pathway); b) the nature of the unit as a stand-alone CBM unit or as a unit with embedded CBM content; c) the designation of the unit as a mandatory or elective offering; d) the recommended year for students to complete the unit in the regular non-honours or non-accelerated program; e) total hours of face to face instruction for the unit; f) hours allocated to CBM content where content was embedded; g) prescribed text/s or readings; h) classroom/behaviour management content; i) research interests of unit convenor and instructors; and j) recent publications of unit convenor and instructors. The definitions developed for