
Change and Continuity in Chinese Government and Culture During 100 Ce Through 600 Ce

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Change and Continuity in Chinese Government and Culture During 100 Ce Through 600 Ce
In China there was a large amount of change that the country endured both politically and culturally between the years 100 C.E. and 600 C.E. During the classical era of China there were many cultural changes. The ideas of China changed due to the creation of three distinct religions: Confucianism, Legalism, and Daoism. Followers of Confucianism followed the ideas of Confucius; he believed that people should emphasize personal virtue, which included a respect of tradition. Because of those ideas it converted a large population of China. During the Qin and early Han periods Legalism was introduced but never got the amount of approval that Confucianism did. Daoism on the other hand gained many higher up people because of its elaborate spirituality and its traditional Chinese beliefs in nature’s harmony. During this time a set of Five Classics were written by Confucius that was used for Civil Service exams. Also poetry was well paid attention to due to Chinese melodic speech. Finally Chinese art, at this time it was decorative, and stressed careful detail and craftsmanship.
During 100 C.E. and 600 C.E. there were many political changes that occurred in China. The Han Dynasty created a strong bureaucracy that lasted till the 20th century. That bureaucracy was capable of taking on tasks of large complex states. That bureaucracy used the Confucian Classics in the Civil Service exams, by passing this test it proclaimed the individual of being a model scholar-bureaucrat. Government traditions were also established during this time, in this system the Chinese government operated military and judicial systems. Under this government they stressed intellectual life, by promoting Confucian philosophy as an official statement of Chinese values. In between this time the Imperial Government was becoming an active part in Chinese economy by standardizing weights and currency during trades. During this era of change in China, Chinese culture starting to shape itself into a

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