14 March 2013 Mr Tongyu Wang C/- EIC Group Ltd 2f Guangzhou Library 42 Zhongshan Si Road Guangzhou Guangdong 510050 China Dear Mr Wang Conditional Offer of Admission
Student No: 440027045
(Please quote in all correspondence)
DOB: 09 September, 1990 Phone: 86 10 64628469 Email: 1569034393@QQ.COM
I am pleased to offer you conditional admission to the University of Sydney. Details of your Course and conditions are as follows: Course: Stream: Date of Commencement: Expected Duration: Master of Commerce - 077328F N/A 03 March 2014 78.0 Weeks 24 credit points
Credit Claimed: UNSP 5024 Unspecified Postgraduate Credit
$34,800.00 Tuition Fees per Annum: $778.00 Overseas Student Health Cover: Student Services and Amenities Fee $273.00 Only payable from 1 January 2013, invoiced after enrolment (SA Fee) per annum (indexed annually) The tuition fees provided are indicative, based on a full-time semester or equivalent. The exact tuition fee will depend on the specific units of study in which you enrol. The University's tuition fees are reviewed annually and so may vary during the period of study. Conditions:
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Successful completion of your current studies meeting the minimum academic requirements. Your final academic transcript and testamur. Please provide an original or certified copy of your final academic transcript and testamur (graduation certificate) indicating that you have completed tertiary study. The transcript should show all the subjects you have studied and the marks/results and grades you have obtained. If applicable, testamurs should indicate the date of your graduation, the final result and the discipline in which you graduated. If you have not completed your tertiary study, please forward the final documents to our office as soon as they become available. You must also provide a certified English translation for