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The use of Skype to facilitate Virtual Organisations

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The use of Skype to facilitate Virtual Organisations
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Virtual Organisations
Technology facilitating virtual organisations
This report endeavors to study the application of Skype to facilitate a virtual organisation. This critical analysis will identify benefits and risks associated with the application of this technology and scenarios for its use in the immediate and slightly more distant future. (Word count: 2013)


APPLICATIONS)TO)FACILITATE)VIRTUAL)ORGANISATIONS) ...................................................)4!
BUILDING!CULTURE!....................................................................................................................................................! !
VIRTUAL!INTERVIEWS!..........................................................................................................................................! !
VIRTUAL!TRAINING! ................................................................................................................................................! !
VIRTUAL!MENTORING!...........................................................................................................................................! !


The% exponential% growth% (App.% 1)% of% the% internet% over% recent% years% has% eroded% international% barriers,% given% access% to% a% plethora% of% information% at% our% fingertips% and% has% influenced% a% significant%shift%in%the%way%businesses%work%today.%With%the%help%of%technological%tools,%we%have% seen%a%major%transition%from%traditional%office/desk%based%work%to%more%virtual%organisations1.%
These% organisations% operate% in% a% dispersed% manner% with% intensive% use% of% information% technology,%opening%up%both%endless%unexplored%opportunities%and%threats.%%With%office%space%in% prime%locations%becoming%increasingly%more%expensive%and%individual%desk%space%costing%up%to%
To% successfully% gain% the% benefits% of% operating% as% a% virtual% entity,% frameworks% such% as% the% intelligent% exploiter% model% could% be% used% to% overcome% challenges.% It% highlights% the% importantance% of% implementing% an% “effective% system“% in% order% to% utilize% information% systems% and%successfully%enhance%performance3%(app%2).%This%critical%analysis%endeavors%to%find%value%in% the%use%of%the%web%2.0%tool5,%Skype,%as%an%effective%system%to%facilitate%a%virtual%organisation.%It% will%detail%applications%of%Skype%to%support%virtual%work%and%the%risks%that%may%arise.%% Skype%is%the%current%leader%in%voice%over%IP%(VoIP)%service%and%instant%messaging.%First%released%in%
under% the% category% of% a% Web% 2.0% tool,% which% is% a% technological% service% that% enables% users% to% interact,% personalize% and% share% information% over% the% Internet5.% Skype% is% classed% as% a% “peer% to% peer”% application% and% operates% over% a% multitude% of% platforms% (across% Mac% and% PC)% &% mobile% devices%such%as%tablets,%smartphones%and%laptops%allowing%onMtheMgo%accessibility.%% %



%A virtual organization or company is one whose members are geographically apart, usually operates primarily via electronic means, appearing to others to be a single, unified organization with a real physical location 2
%Richard Nessen- Lecture on Virtual Organisations%

%Holtham, Clive (October 2009) The Intelligent Exploiter, Cass Business School. Available At:


Freemium is a business model by which a proprietary product or service (typically a digital offering such as software, media, games or web services) is provided free of charge, but money (premium) is charged for advanced features, functionality, or virtual goods.%

%Antiroiko & Savolainen, 2011It was coined in 2004 by O’Reilly who claimed that the use of these tools are to make the internet a more collaborative place (BCS, 2009)




The% ability% of% a% firm% to% culminate% relevant% knowledge 6 %and% transform% them% into% unique% capabilities% can% be% crucial% in% developing% nonMimitable% competitive% advantages.% In% a% virtual% organisation,% it% is% quiet% common% to% have% individuals% in% different% geographical% locations% to% be% working% on% the% same% projects.% Interactions% between% individuals% operating% remotely% become% more%challenging%thus%reducing%the%amount%of%knowledge%being%shared.%Skype%allows%up%to%25% participants%to%join%a%conversation%at%once7,%which%can%be%implemented%into%an%organisation%to% facilitate% knowledge% management 8 ,% virtual% brainstorms% and% group% discussions.% Borderless% collaboration%can%help%to%improve%innovation%through%generating%a%wider%variety%of%ideas%with% influence% from% leading% practices% from% different% geographical% locations.% It% can% improve% consistency%throughout%work,%as%everyone%has%equal%access%to%information%and%overall%improve% decision%making%due%to%a%reduction%in%the%loss%of%knowMhow%tacit9%knowledge.%Facilitating%group% discussions%also%increases%productivity%by%reducing%cases%of%“reinventing%the%wheel”10.%Although% the% use% of% Skype% to% enhance% virtual% interactions% would% have% significant% benefits,% the% difficulty% arises%when%trusting%relationships%are%not%fully%developed%and%thus%hinders%the%dissemination%of% tacit% knowledge.% The% facilitation% and% management% of% knowledge% sharing% also% becomes% more% challenging% in% absence% of% physical% presence% as% a% physical% brainstorming% session% would% usually% contain% a% mediator% that% actively% manages% the% interaction% to% either% encourage% our% prevent% interruptions% for% example% in% a% physical% scenario% individuals% would% raise% a% hand% before% interrupting.% Another% important% risk% is% exposing% confidential% material,% as% there% is% very% little% control%over%who%is%listening%in%via%the%25%possible%channels%of%communicators.% %

Knowledge is a fluid mix of framed experience, values, contextual information, and expert insight that provides a basis for evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information. It originates and is applied in the mind of individuals. In organisations, it often becomes embedded not only in documents or repositories but also in organisational routines, processes, and practices." (Davenport & Prusak, 2000)
%There is a "magic number" for brainstorming and that number is 8-10 people. If you get more than ten people, it becomes challenging for everyone to participate and it 's too easy for side conversations to get going. 8

%"Knowledge Management is the discipline of enabling individuals, teams and entire organisations to collectively and systematically create, share and apply knowledge, to better achieve their objectives" Ron Young.

%Goffin, K. & Koners, U. (2011). Tacit Knowledge, Lessons Learnt, and New Product Development. J PROD INNOV
MANAG, 28, 300–318.
With tacit knowledge, people are not often aware of the knowledge they possess or how it can be valuable to others.
Effective transfer of tacit knowledge generally requires extensive personal contact, regular interaction and trust. This kind of knowledge can only be revealed through practice in a particular context and transmitted through social networks. To some extent it is "captured" when the knowledge holder joins a network or a community of practice.%
%250 companies using Skype, 80% said using it increased employee productivity.


Physical%and%social%interaction%is%known%to%bind%an%organisation.%The%lack%of%these%interactions%in% virtual% organisations% tends% to% hinder% the% development% of% a% company% culture.% To% encourage% social%interaction%between%virtual%workers,%Skype’s%instant%messaging%and%VoIP%can%be%used%for% immediate% support% during% projects% and% general% social% interactions.% Encouraging% employees% to% upload% profile% pictures% and% building% a% personal% profile% for% themselves% can% help% to% develop% a% more%humane%appearance%to%workers,%especially%when%primarily%interacting%on%a%virtual%level.%It% can% help% to% foster% teamwork% and% a% sense% of% belonging% in% a% virtual% organisation.% The% risk% of% encouraging%employees%to%use%Skype%as%a%social%media%tool%is%the%inability%to%control%the%extent%it% is%being%used%for%social%interaction%and%thus%distracting%employees%from%their%work.%%




Internet%accessibility%has%opened%up%a%global%pool%of%potential%employees%from%which%to%recruit% from.%The%opportunity%to%outsource%work%through%virtual%organisations%has%reduced%the%cost%of% remuneration% and% provided% a% wider% pool% of% applicants% for% firms% to% filter% out% the% most% skilled% people% across% the% globe.% So% although% firms% are% no% longer% limited% to% applicants% within% a% comfortable% commuting% distance% from% an% office% base,% the% difficulty% arises% when% interviewing% international%applicants%for%a%virtual%offsite%role.%To%overcome%this,%Skype%could%be%implemented% to%hold%virtual%interviews%via%video%VoIP.%The%absence%of%travel%time%would%improve%flexibility%of% meeting%times%and%would%also%reduce%the%physical%space%required%to%hold%interviews.%These%two% factors%would%significantly%reduce%the%cost%for%both%parties,%due%to%increased%freedom%to%connect% from%more%convenient%locations%and%the%ability%to%reallocate%meetingMroom%space.%The%benefit%of% using%video%calls%as%opposed%to%a%telephone%conversation%would%allow%the%interviewer%to%assess% important% contributors% such% as% body% language% and% presentation.% From% the% applicants% perspective,%being%in%a%familiar%location%might%reduce%nerves%and%in%turn%improve%performance% during% the% interview.% Skype’s% built% in% recording% software% could% be% utilized% to% document% the% interview%as%reference%when%making%comparisons%between%applicants%or%to%allow%third%parties%to% asses% applicants% performance% for% a% more% balanced% final% decision.% A% drawback% of% virtual% interviews%and%virtual%organisations%in%general,%is%the%inhibition%of%employees%experiencing%true% company% culture.% Through% physically% entering% an% office% building,% they% would% experience% the% work% environment% and% have% the% opportunity% to% interact% with% potential% colleagues.% A% virtual% interview%could%also%result%in%interruptions%due%to%being%more%exposed%to%external%distractions.% For%example%using%Internet%in%a%cafe%could%result%in%disruptive%background%noise,%it%can%also%be% difficult%to%identify%whether%an%individual%requires%privacy%when%sitting%in%front%of%a%laptop%with% headphones%in. Connection%also%plays%a%big%part%in%determining%whether%the%process%works%well% or% not.% Delays% can% occur,% calls% can% be% dropped,% and% poor% connectivity% may% result% in% broken% speech%and%noticeable%lag%in%signal%reaching%its%destination.%Skype%does%not%offer%a%service%level% agreement%(SLA),%warranting%that%service%will%be%available%and%quality%good,%therefore%call%and% connection%quality%are%not%always%as%good%as%they%are%on%the%public%switched%telephone%network% (PSTN).%%

Technological%advances%has%allowed%multinationals%to%converge%in%the%way%things%are%done%on%a% global% scale.% Another% difficulty% experienced% in% virtual% organisations% is% the% ability% to% bring% all% employees%together%and%disseminate%the%same%standard%of%training%across%the%board.%Skype%can% be% utilized% by% providing% prerecorded% training% sessions% to% off% site% employees% for% mobile% &% anywhere%access.%For%a%more%localized%approach,%one%to%one%or%group%training%via%Skype%video% calls% &% screen% sharing% would% allow% a% firm% to% create% bespoke% and% highly% interactive% training% programs.%The%interactive%aspect%encourages%live%feedback%on%sessions,%encourages%employees% to%be%more%participative%as%levels%of%intimidation%in%a%classroom%setting%are%reduced.%%The%ability% to%tailor%the%course%based%on%individual’s%specific%requirements%also%becomes%more%achievable.% Additionally,% it% could% facilitate% training% seminars% with% external% industry% experts% that% may% not% usually%have%the%time%to%travel%away%from%work.%The%“live”%aspect%of%the%session’s%means%that% information%is%always%up%to%date%in%comparison%to%learning%via%literature,%and%again%the%built%in% recording% function% can% be% used% to% record% training% sessions% to% build% a% reference% library% with% anytime% access.% The% drawback% of% the% virtual% training;% leaves% the% speed% of% employee% development% down% to% their% own% motivations% to% progress% and% it% becomes% difficult% to% ensure% alertness% during% sessions% due% to% a% higher% level% of% distraction% in% comparison% to% being% in% a% classroom.%Sharing%confidential%tacit%&%explicit%training%knowledge%with%virtual%workers%via%Skype% would% also% expose% the% risk% of% this% information% reaching% competitors.% The% application% of% Skype% training% in% a% virtual% organisation% can% be% leveraged% as% a% competitive% weapon% and% an% employee% retention% tool% to% ensure% that% employees% are% being% offered% career% development,% growth% prospects%and%support%to%reach%personalized%goals%even%when%working%remotely.%% %

In%virtual%organisations%newer%team%members%can%be%deprived%of%the%opportunity%to%learn%from% more% senior% workers% and% valuable% knowMhow% tacit% knowledge% can% be% lost% within% a% firm.% The% application%of%Skype%calls%for%the%purpose%of%mentoring%could%mend%this%gap.%Again%the%benefit%of% flexibility%and%virtual%faceMtoMface%communication%from%mentors%makes%it%easier%to%set%a%time%&% date%to%agree%upon,%especially%with%executives%whose%time%may%be%in%high%demand.%This%factor% could% encourage% more% frequent% encounters,% allow% relationships% to% develop% faster% and% shorten% power% distances% between% hierarchical% levels.% The% erosion% of% power% distance% can% benefit% both% levels,%as%experience%is%past%down%to%newer%members%and%the%most%up%to%date%knowledge%from% the% front% line% can% be% filtered% back% up% to% higher% levels.% The% challenge% of% implementing% virtual% mentoring%is%the%temptation%for%either%party%to%multiMtask%instead%of%concentrating%on%the%task%at% hand.% The% feature% of% having% email% access% and% social% media% literally% at% your% fingertips% can% be% highly%distracting.% %

The%emergence%of%social%media%&%blogging%sites%has%empowered%consumers%and%has%supported% the%development%of%the%term%coMcreation.11%Customers%and%producers%are%beginning%to%see%the% benefit%in%interacting%to%create%experiences%and%build%relationships%even%after%the%transaction%or% purchase% has% been% made.% A% successful% example% of% this% is% Apple% care,% which% allows% 24/7% customer%support%online.%Skype’s%voice%over%IP%services%could%be%utilized%to%provide%virtual%faceM toMface%interaction%and%support%with%customers.%The%onMtheMgo%access%via%its%mobile%application% would%allow%virtual%workers%to%take%calls%from%across%the%globe%in%a%preferred%location%without% having% to% operate% from% an% office% base.% % Exploiting% time% zones% &% the% differences% in% public% and% religious%holidays%would%allow%firms%to%allocate%hours%to%different%regions%to%cover%24/7%support.% The% use% of% Skype% as% a% virtual% interaction% tool% could% help% to% create% and% nurture% lasting% relationships% with% customers,% improve% customer% loyalty% and% serve% as% a% competitive% advantage% for% a% firm.% %Although% the% application% of% Skype% for% virtual% customer% service% has% significant% benefits,%the%management%of%service%quality%becomes%increasingly%more%challenging%to%monitor.% The%global%workforce%conjures%difficulties%with%language%barriers%for%employees%whom%English%is% not%the%mother%tongue.%This%would%require%significant%amounts%of%training%&%strict%recruitment% criteria,%to%ensure%that%all%employees%are%able%to%communication%in%English%to%a%high%standard.%
provided% and% as% evidence% of% what% is% agreed% upon% during% these% virtual% interactions% as% security% measures.%%Another%critical%risk%businesses%may%face%with%online%services%is%security%issues%when% dealing% with% confidential% material 12 .% This% is% likely% to% require% heavy% investment% into% virus% protection%as%a%preventative.% %


%Co creation is the interaction between the consumer and producer to create value. It describes a movement away from customers buying products and services as transactions, to those purchases being made as part of an experience.

%A new Trojan OSX/Crisis was discovered in July 2012 monitoring Skype to spy on the user. The malware operator can record Skype audio traffic and intercept any files that are sent over the network, and there is the ability in the code to access text entry and webcams, as well as detect your location, device information and address book.% FUTURE%APPLICATION%
Relating% back% to% the% exponential% growth% of% the% technology% industry% (app% 1)% it% becomes% increasingly%more%challenging%for%us%to%forecast%the%growth%of%future%technological%advances.%In% order%to%demonstrate%some%future%applications%of%Skype%I%have%researched%developments%in%the% technology% industry% that% are% currently% under% developed,% in% a% beta% phase13%or% methods% such% as% mashups%14%that%can%be%exploited%in%new%ways.%%% Taking% inspiration% from% “Mash% up”% technology,% the% combination% of% “Google% translate” 15% technology% and% Skype% VoIP% could% be% integrated% to% create% a% live% translator% for% use% in% virtual% organisations%or%multinationals%to%encourage%communication%between%individuals%with%language% barriers.%
Skype% also% has% announced% having% 3D% video% calling16%currently% under% development.% It% has% been% argued%that%this%development%would%be%seen%more%as%a%novelty%technology%and%would%not%add% any% significant% benefit% to% a% virtual% organisation.% Additional% research% has% shown% further% developments%in%technology%of%holographic%projections%that%have%already%been%demonstrated%at% the% Coachella% festival% this% year17.% Holography% is% a% technique,% which% enables% threeMdimensional% images% to% be% made.% The% image% changes% as% the% position% and% orientation% of% the% viewing% system% changes% in% exactly% the% same% way% as% if% the% object% were% still% present,% thus% making% the% image% appear%threeMdimensional18.%A%Skype%holographic%projection%could%be%highly%impactful%in%a%virtual% organisation%in%the%future.%Seeing%a%physical%3D%projection%of%a%CEO%or%an%industry%guest%speaker% could%be%used%as%a%motivational%&%inspirational%tool,%It%could%eventually%directly%replace%the%use% of%voIP%and%allow%virtual%workers%to%almost%experience%physical%interaction%as%well%as%social.%Of% course% there% is% a% lot% more% development% needed% in% the% arena% and% would% start% at% an% extremely% high% cost% but% this% is% definitely% an% application% that% would% improve% and% facilitate% virtual% organisations%in%the%more%distant%future.% %



%A beta test is a limited release of a product with a goal of finding bugs before the final release. Software testing is often referred to by the terms "alpha" and "beta."
%A mashup is a web application that uses content from more than one source to create a single new service displayed in a single graphical interface. For example, you could combine the addresses and photographs of your library branches with a Google map to create a map mashup. Fichter Darlene 12 august 2013 What Is a Mashup? %
% Google 's free online language translation service instantly translates text and web pages.%
%Gabor, Dennis. (1948), A new microscopic principle, Nature, 161, p 777-8%


This% report% has% recognized% some% significant% benefits% and% key% challenges% involved% with% utilizing%
Skype% to% facilitate% a% virtual% organisation% but% it% is% vital% to% consider% the% importance% the% organisations% mindsets% for% any% of% these% benefits% to% be% applicable.% Virtual% organisations% employees% must% exercise% emotional% intelligence% and% the% ability% to% stay% flexible% and% foster% a% culture% that% welcomes% change.% It% could% be% argued% that% the% so% called% “Generation% X19”% would% have% more% difficulty% in% adapting% to% a% virtual% organisation% due% to% not% being% digital% natives% who% have%grown%up%with%technology%and%would%usually%have%a%higher%capacity%to%naturally%deal%with% managing% a% lot% of% knowledge20%On% the% contrary% it% could% be% argued% that% generations% are% not% biologically%different%and%that%people%have%not%fundamentally%changed,%it%is%more%down%to%our% attitudes%and%ability%to%adapt%to%new%technologies.%Although%“Millennials”21%are%more%adaptable% to%technology,%they%tend%to%be%disinclined%to%work%remotely%from%home%as%social%interactions;%a% smart% office% and% large% desk% space% play% a% big% role% in% their% status.% The% ability% to% manage% and% integrate% these% “Mindsets”(App.% 2)% in% a% virtual% organisation% will% be% the% deciding% factor% on% the% success%or%failure%of%a%virtual%organisation%even%if%it%has%a%successful%effective%system%in%place.%% %



%Coupland, Doug. "Generation X." Vista, 1989. Generation X, commonly abbreviated to Gen X, is the generation born after the Western Post–World War II baby boom. Demographers, historians and commentators use beginning birth dates from the early 1960s to the early 1980s.%

%Horovitz, Bruce (May 4, 2012). "After Gen X, Millennials, what should next generation be?". USA Today. Retrieved
November 24, 2012.The Millennial Generation, also known as Generation Y is the demographic cohort following
Generation X. Commentators use beginning birth dates from the early 1980s to the early 2000s.


Jeff Ogden (W163)%The exponential growth of Internet users. %
Holtham, Clive (October 2009) The Intelligent Exploiter, Cass Business School.
Available At:



1. How new the technology is and whether it has been succesfully applied in a business situation before. RFH
2. The size of the project! How complex it is to implement, does it require specialised and expert professionals, will it take a long time to complete.
3. The number of employees with experience of project management and leadership skills. 4. The rate of adaption, change, and retraining required to implement the technology.
5. The current levels of intergration of IT proffesionals and Business staff.%
6. The%Potential%costs%of%failure%
7. Proportion%of%the%business%exposed%
8. Degree%of%organisation%change%of%routines%etc.%
9. Degree%of%improvement%required%
10. The%size%of%the%project%in%comparison%to%earlier%successful%ones%%
11. The%length%of%time%to%delivery%

Richard Nessen- Lecture on Virtual Organisations

Holtham, Clive (October 2009) The Intelligent Exploiter, Cass Business School. Available At:

Antiroiko & Savolainen, (BCS, 2009)
Coulouris, George; Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg, Gordon Blair (2011). Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design (5th
Edition). Boston: Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-132-14301-1.

% % .

% Google 's free online language translation service instantly translates text and web pages.

% % %

Gabor, Dennis. (1948), A new microscopic principle, Nature, 161, p 777-8
Coupland, Doug. "Generation X." Vista, 1989.

% %
Horovitz, Bruce (May 4, 2012). "After Gen X, Millennials, what should next generation be?". USA Today. Retrieved
November 24, 2012.



Masnick, George. "Defining the Generations". Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies. Retrieved 29 May
"More universities banning Skype". 24 September 2006. Retrieved 14 December 2010.
"Skype Secrecy Under Attack Again". VoIP News. 24 February 2009. Retrieved 10 October 2010.


Bibliography: Masnick, George. "Defining the Generations". Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies. Retrieved 29 May 2013. "More universities banning Skype". 24 September 2006. Retrieved 14 December 2010. "Skype Secrecy Under Attack Again". VoIP News. 24 February 2009. Retrieved 10 October 2010. %

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    It is seems that “Seneca College Academic Dishonesty” has a more clear and specific explanation of the punishments for plagiarism than George Brown College. Even though when ESL student or international student read “Seneca College Academic Dishonesty”, they can understand easily. As a result “Seneca College Academic Dishonesty” can give more strong self awakening to student than George Brown College. It is suggested for reducing plagiarism that professor and administration must have a positive and active attitude for the prevention and punishment of plagiarism. For example, professors have a responsibility to explain about plagiarism and can’t be lazy about punishing because of complicate bureaucratic and legal process. Also administration has to be fair and remind professors and students of the consequences of plagiarism (Pettigrew,…

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    Good Essays
  • Powerful Essays

    I, the undersigned, have read the Code of Practice regarding plagiarism contained in the Students ' Introductory Handbook. I realise that this Code governs the way in which the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy regards and treats the issue of plagiarism. I have understood the Code and in particular I am aware of the consequences, which may follow if I breach that code. I also authorise the centre to scan the e-copy of my research paper through the Plagiarism Detection Software to detect plagiarism…

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    Powerful Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    Ap English

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    Plagiarism is an issue for some students because it is an easy way to complete work. It is a problem that occurs all around the country and affects students’ education tremendously. Education is always at risk when plagiarizing because one is not learning anything. Students who plagiarize should deal with consequences in order to lose the habit. Plagiarism is not original work, therefore it deserves a failing mark or zero. Teacher, Christine Pelton did the correct thing by punishing the students that plagiarized.…

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Good Essays


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    Plagiarism can be defined as using others published ideas or words and representing them as original (Bird, Sivilotti, 2008).Although plagiarism is not a new issue it has grown it the past few years due the increase use of technology. Plagiarism is one of the most challenging problems facing education (Shenton, 2010). This being due to the escalated amount of material found on the internet with ease and quickly implement into one’s own document (Shenton, 2010). In today’s age plagiarism is more accepted in between students. Most students fail to grasp the concept of properly acknowledging the information from its original source; which they also tend to believe any information found on the internet is free to use (Shenton, 2010). One can argue that there’s has been a value shift which can be questioned, due to the increase in the legitimacy of cheating and plagiarism among college students (Gross, 2011). Research recently done in 2009 states that a shift justifying cheating and plagiarism has been replacing the traditional view of cheating and plagiarism being unethical (Gross, 2011). It seems as university administration are not as aware in this shift as some researchers, although the attention is focused on how to solve this problem cheating continues to increase (Gross, 2011).In another case several students were questioned about their decision making when it comes to plagiarizing: Some said it easy to do; they are confident they won’t get caught or just out of laziness; or they view the assignment as a waste of time or even if they don’t understand the class or topic (Power, 2009). While most students had been told by a professor not to plagiarize; most students themselves did not know how to apply it (Power, 2009). Some students view plagiarizing as a minor offense (Power, 2009). Plagiarism can be explored through many avenues with more students viewing plagiarism and cheating as more acceptable maybe this…

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    Good Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    You have an opportunity to use our free online plagiarism checker for students! Use innovative plagiarism detection system absolutely free of charge!…

    • 386 Words
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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Good Essays

    Alecia Moore

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    • 5 Pages

    The phenomenon of plagiarism by students in higher education is not forbidden entirely. In the Collins dictionary of the English language, plagiarism is defined by Hanks (1979) as “the act of plagiarizing” which is explained as the behavior of coping or snitching other author’s work and treating it as one’s own achievement without proper and appropriate citation. The forms of student’s plagiarism generally are summarized into three main ways: coping other author’s material and declaring it as their own, referring to other’s argument without correct citations or with high proportion of copied original words, paraphrasing academic articles from different sources without providing with accurate references (Park, 2003). According to the theory of Payne and Nantz (1994), many students don not consider academic plagiarism as serious as cheating on examinations, which means that most of them view academic cheating not as a real plagiarism with strong offence. Generally, numerous students chose to ignore academic cheating behaviors of their classmates and friends rather than scorn it. This essay examines four main reasons for plagiarism in terms of limited academic skills, pressure and competition, student attitude and culture differently.…

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