
Stylistic Analysis

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Stylistic Analysis
Table of Contents Introduction…………………………………………………………………………3-7 Chapter 1. Stylistic peculiarities of D.H. Lawrence and H.W. Longfellow’s poetry…………………………………………………………………….7 1.1. The use of polysemanticism of the word in combination with repetition in poems by D.H. Lawrence and H.W. Longfellow………..7-12 1.2. Lingvo-stylistic potential of D.H. Lawrence’s “Don’ts”………….12-14 1.3. The main stylistic-semantic features of H.W. Longfellow’s poem “The Song of Hiawatha” (Introduction)……………………………...14-18

Chapter 2. Romantic and lyrical figure of Robert Burns……………………………18 2.1. General stylistic features of R. Burns’s poem “My Heart’s in the Highlands”………………………………………………………..18-21 2.2. The style in “My Heart’s in the Highlands”………………………21-23 Chapter 3. Lexical, syntactic expressive means and stylistic devices in:………….24 3.1. “Young and Old” by Charle Kingsley……………………………24-26 3.2. “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” by Barnabe Googe…………………26-28


Introduction The theme of the course paper is concerned with the stylistic analysis of five poems by different authors (D.H. Lawrence, H.W. Longfellow, R. Burns, Ch. Kingsley, B. Googe). The issue of stylistics and stylistic analysis has been extensively studied in recent years and the problem of stylistics has been a subject of special interest. Various scientific paradigms, trends and methods of stylistics and literary studies have been developed and explored in the works by such prominent scholars of pre-soviet, soviet and post-soviet linguistic schools as Larin B.A., Peshkovsky A.M., Polivanov E.D., Scherba L.V., Galperin I.R., Akhmanova O.S., Arnold I.V.,

References: 1. Burns R. The Poetical Works/R. Burns. ̶ Moscow:Raduga Publishers, 1982. ̶ 705p. 4. Googe B. Eglogs, epytaphes, and sonettes, 1563 / B.Googe, E.Arber. ̶ A. Constable and Co., 1871. ̶ 128p. 5. Kingsley Ch. Poems/ Ch. Kingsley. ̶ Wildside Press LLC, 2007. ̶ 428p. 6. Lawrence D.H. The Complete Poems of D.H.Lawrence/ D.H.Lawrence. ̶ Wordsworth Editions, 1994. ̶ 352p. 7. Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama/ Ed. By X.J.Kennedy and D. Gioia. ̶ Harper Collins, 1991. ̶ 3400p. 8. Longfellow H.W. The Song of Hiawatha And Other Poems/ H.W.Longfellow. ̶ The Reader’s Digest Association Inc., Pleasantville, N.Y./ Montreal, 1989. ̶ 350p. 9. Lototska K. English Stylistics/ K. Lototska. ̶ Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Publishing Centre, 2008. ̶ 253p. 10. Maltzev V.A. An Introduction to Linguistic Poetics. ̶ Минск:Вышэйшая школа, 1980. ̶ 240p. 11. McGuirk C. Robert Burns and the Sentimental Era/ C. McGuirk. ̶ Tuchwell Press, 1985. ̶ 193p. 12. Merriam-Webster’s Encyclopedia of Literature. ̶ Springfield, Massachusetts: Merrian-Webster, Incorporated, Publishers, 1995. ̶ 1236p. 13. St.Thomas More Series: Prose and Poetry of England/ Ed. By J.L. Maline. ̶ Syracuse, New York: L.W.Singer Company, 1955. ̶ 750p. 19. A Dictionary of English Literature/ Homer A. Walt, William W. Watt. ̶ New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1877. ̶ 430p. 20. Oxford American Dictionary/ New Oxford American Dictionary/Ed. By John Simpson & Edmund Weiner. ̶ Oxford University Press, Inc., 2005. ̶ 1008p. 21. Collins Cobuild English Words in Use. / Ed. By J.M.Sinclair. ̶ London: Longman, 2008. ̶ 1052p. 22. Арнольд И. В. Стилистика современного английского язика / И.В.Арнольд. ̶ Москва:Просвещения, 1990. ̶ 304ст.

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