
Ptlls Level 3

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Ptlls Level 3
ASSESSMENT 1 a. Explain what your actual or perceived role, responsibilities and boundaries are as a teacher in terms of the teaching cycle. Why are these necessary? b. Identify the legislative requirements and codes of practice that directly impact on your teaching. c. Identify the legislative requirements and codes of practice that directly impact on your learning environment.

ANSWERS 1.1. • Explain what your actual or perceived role, responsibilities and boundaries are as a teacher in terms of the teaching/training cycle.

I intend to continue to be a trainer in management and in the security sector.

The role, responsibilities and boundaries of a trainer are ever changing and adapting to changes in the society. It is more than simply lecturing and marking students works. Learners come from different backgrounds and with different problems, hopes and expectations which have to be understood and addressed before effective learning can take place. As such in addition to my primary role of being a facilitator, I will have to play the roles of parent, psychologist, protector, motivator, role models to some learners. I will also have to collaborate with some agencies and organisations in order to facilitate effective learning. Boundaries are anything that may have direct impact to my teaching or delivery. This may include time constrains, my subject knowledge, the size of my class and location of the training room, the ability to cater for students with learning disabilities. In this I must have a reasonable evaluation to know what I can do and what are outside my ability and to call for supports.

Reece and Walker describe a modern teacher as being a facilitator. Unlike the traditional teaching methods which encourage learners just to be talk into, the modern method places more emphasis on the ability of the teachers to motivate and encourage students to be actively involved in the process of

Bibliography: Coffield, F. (2008) Just suppose teaching and learning became the first priority. Learning and Skills Network, UK ( Fleming, R.W (1987) in: Ann Gravells (2008) Preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector. 3rd ed. Kent: Learning Matters. Gravells, 2008 & 2010, Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector, 3rd edition, Learning Matters, Exeter. Kolb, D (1984) Experiential Learning: Experience as the source of learning and Development. New jersey: Prentice-Hall. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Available at: Malcolm Shepherd Knowles (1973) The modern practice of adult education: andragogy versus pedagogy, Associated Press. Piaget Jean (1967) Logique et Connaissance Scientifique, Encyclopedie de la Pleiade and Piaget, J., and Piaget Jean & Inhelder, B. (1967). The Child 's Conception of Space. New York: W.W. Norton. Reece I. & Walker S. (2002) Teaching Training and Learning: A Practical Guide. Business Education Publishers Edited by David Clues & Maureen Charlton Question 2. Armitage, Andy et al (1999), Teaching and Training in Post Compulsory Education, Open University Press. Bloom, B.S. (1956) Taxonomy of educational objectives. Handbook I: Cognitive domain. David McKay Co Inc, New York. Gravells, 2008 & 2010, Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector, 3rd edition, Learning Matters, Exeter. Fleming, R.W (1987) in: Ann Gravells (2008) Preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector. 3rd ed. Kent: Learning Matters. Honey and Mumford (1986) Manual of Learning Styles Maidenhead, Peter Honey Minton, David (1991), Teaching Skills in Further and Adult Education, Macmillan Press Ltd. Newcastle College (2008), Blackboard, Skinner B.F Tight, Malcolm (1996), Adult Education and Training, Clays Ltd. Gravells, Ann (2008), Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector, Learning Matters Ltd. Minton, David (1991), Teaching Skills in Further and Adult Education, Macmillan Press Ltd. Fenton, Judy (2008), Setting Norms with Your Students, Newcastle College (2008), Blackboard, Armitage, Andy et al (1999), Teaching and Training in Post Compulsory Education, Open University Press. Gravells, Ann (2008), Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector, Learning Matters Ltd. Malcolm Shepherd Knowles (1973) The modern practice of adult education: andragogy versus pedagogy, Associated Press. Minton, David (1991), Teaching Skills in Further and Adult Education, Macmillan Press Ltd. Morley J & Wordsworth M. (2010) PTLLS made easier, Highfiled Ltd, UK. Newcastle College (2008), Blackboard, Functional Skills, Tight, Malcolm (1996), Adult Education and Training, Clays Ltd. Rogers, C (1983) Freedom to learn for the 80’s. Columbus, OH: Merrill. Gravells, A. (2008) Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector 3rd Edition Exeter: Learning matters. Morley J & Wordsworth M. (2010) PTLLS made easier, Highfiled Ltd, UK. Susan M. Brookhart (2008) How to Give Effective Feedback to Your Students. The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). Alexandria, VA, USA Question 7. Armitage, Andy et al (1999), Teaching and Training in Post Compulsory Education, Open University Press. Crooks, T. (2001), The Validity of Formative Assessments, Paper presented to the British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, University of Leeds, 13-15 September Kim, Jong Suk 2005 Minton, David (1991), Teaching Skills in Further and Adult Education, Macmillan Press Ltd. Newcastle College (2008), Blackboard, Tight, Malcolm (1996), Adult Education and Training, Clays Ltd. Fenton, Judy (2008), Setting Norms with Your Students,> Newcastle College (2008), Blackboard,

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