
Let Them Eat Fast Pearlberg Analysis

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Let Them Eat Fast Pearlberg Analysis
Obesity is growing at a faster rate than it has before. About two-thirds of the adults in America are considered obese, and statistics show that one in twenty people have extreme obesity. How many more people must be a victim to obesity before we take action? Washington Post journalist, Robert Pearlberg wrote “Our Inequitable Obesity Fight”. Pearlberg’s article is about obesity growing in an alarming rate. Pearlberg argues to place junk-food taxes, and regulate food commercials to fight obesity. Moreover, Greg Crister, an authority on the subject of food politics wrote “Let Them Eat Fat”. Crister’s essay is the topic on the increasing number of childhood obesity, and fast food companies targeting the bigger in size, and poorer families by using …show more content…
Journalist Robert Pearlberg quotes, “In 2010, Denmark increased by 25 percent its excise tax on chocolate, ice cream, sugary drinks and confectionary products… and timing of ads for foods high in fat, salt or sugar (par. 4). With this intention, obesity can prevented for future generations. Moreover, Pearlberg quotes, “The groups in the United States most likely to become obese are racial minorities… least able to access quality medical care (par. 9). However, this solution has an obstacle. Americans have relied on fast food for so long that imposing taxes on unhealthy, or sugary foods is unreliable for them. The poorer families rely on cheap fast-food to feed their families, and Pearlberg quotes that “Regulating food ads is also more difficult in the United States because our courts treat such ads as “commercial speech” constitutionally protected under the First Amendment (par. 6). Stopping obesity will take longer because of their objections on placing soda taxes, or the food commercials being protected by the First Amendment because it is treated as “commercial …show more content…
However, stopping obesity can be easier if the government makes the prices for ingredients lower. By lowering the prices of ingredients, buying healthier foods will sound better than paying for unhealthy foods, and placing taxes on unhealthy foods will be easier in the future. Time consumption will be a slight problem with this, but there are food recipes that take 10-20 minutes to cook. Families that have lower income, or families that only have a high school diplomas will always be a victim to obesity; because of their low income, and their limited access to medical insurance, children are often left out of medical check-ups for budget reasons. The United States government should put more money on treating obesity now so that the expected budget for obesity will be lower than HIV by 2020. In conclusion, the United States government should do something that can help the poorer families, and minorities get out of obesity. America should lower prices on healthier foods, and increase food taxes on unhealthy food. If America keeps ignoring obesity, the issue will be worse, and more Americans will be a victim to obesity, and health related problems in the

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