
How Is Honor Shown In Macbeth

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How Is Honor Shown In Macbeth
Macbeth Essay

In the tragedy Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, honor is needed to succeed in life. As Macbeth both created and destroyed his honor, which results in raising his status, killing of others and the death of himself.

Macbeth was a commander for his army which belonged to Scotland. He was part of a huge battle at the start of the play. Which resulted in a win for them. And Macbeth was highly praised for it.

Duncan-" Dismayed not this our captains Macbeth and/ Banquo?
Captain- " Yet as sparrows eagles or hare the lion/ If I say sooth. I must report they were/ As cannons overcharged with double cracks/ so they doubly redoubled strikes upon the foe." (Act.I.ii.37-42)
In which the captain is tells the king how amazingly Macbeth fought and the courage and power they showed was the key to winning. In addition to the high
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Once the king spends a night at his castle Iverness. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth plot a way to kill Duncan in which Macbeth replies.

"Falso Face must hide what the false heart doth/know." (Act I.vii.92-96)

Which means that he must pretend he doesn't know who killed Duncan and he has to convince his heart to do the same too so he doesn't show any evidence or weakness about the truth of him killing Duncan. As planned after killing Duncan he becomes the next king of Scotland.

Ross- "The sovereignty will fall upon Macbeth"
Macduff- " He is already named and gone to scone to be invested." (Act. II.iv.92-96)

After being crowned king a friend of his Banquo becomes suspicious of Macbeth and suspects that he is the one who killed Duncan in order to become king. Once Macbeth begins to learn about it, he becomes scared that Banquo might tell someone. So he orders 3 murders to go kill Banquo and his son Fleeance who in the prophecy is to become king after

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