
Character Analysis Of Brian's 'Hatchet'

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Character Analysis Of Brian's 'Hatchet'
Hatchet. The idea was fresh and new to me. However, it was somehow terrifying, too. When I looked at the word, 'Hatchet', a scary scene of a man with crazy face and a dangerous looking hatchet. However, unexpectedly, the story was somehow beautiful, with every details alive. The very beginning of the adventure comes up with a boy named Brian.

In a small bushplane Brian takes a flight with a pilot to his father, who is a mechanical engineer. In his heart, Brian suffers from the pain of the word, 'divorce.' He thinks that it is very ugly, and it tears him apart in pieces. Yet, he does not cry during the flight, which shows that Brian is a determined person and can take things seriously. Suddenly, the pilot has a heart attack, and Brian
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However, he still remains calm, and think of solutions. In my opinion, he is really good at being calm in bad situations and looking for ways to fix them, and that his Brian's personality. Using the advantage of his characteristic, he first finds water resources from the lake and builds up a clumsy shelter by using the rock near the bank of the lake. The first food source, gut cherries he calls, have too much strong taste and made him throw up. Therefore, he finds a new type of berries for food, raspberry. He feels happy with the sweetness and familiarity of the …show more content…
His shelter, captured fish, fire, bow and arrows; everything was washed away by the storm. Although the hurricane was useless, it also is a factor that shows hope by moving the plane wreckage. Brian now could see the tail of the plane, and he remembers that a survival kit is in there. Thanks to the hurricane, by making a raft out of lots of broken logs, he could get the survival kit out of the tail. This could be done because of the optimistic views Brian had. Of he was always negative, then he would have just got killed by the nature.

He turns on the emergency transmitter, which was in the survival kit, and a plane comes. The pilot was very amazed b the fact that Brian was alive, saying they gave up searching about two months ago. When he goes back to his normal life, he feels that he has changed too much; he lost many weights though most of them came back, had more senses and realized that if he was still in the forest in winter, he would have died. The story ends up Brian deciding not to tell his father about the secret of his

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