
Catastropy In Hamlet

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Catastropy In Hamlet
Crime, death and redemption

In this essay, I am going to talk about a part of act 5, scene 2 of Hamlet, written by Shakespeare. This passage written in verse is the catastrophy of the play. Hamlet, after being wounded by Laertes' poisonned sword finally revenges the death of his father by killing Claudius. The presence of repeted themes such as death and redemption in this passage, gives the drama a tensed athmosphere . "Lo, here I lie, never to rise again (...) I can no more. The King, the King's to blame" (5.2.349-351)
The use of specific words and themes gives an additional meaning to this play in the way that it gives us a deeper signification of the caracters true intentions. I will start this essay by showing that even though Hamlet and Laertes are two distinct characters by their nature, the theme of death in this
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Then I will analyze how the tension in this passage makes it the catastrophy of the play and finally I am going to show the relation between the recurrent themes with the death of the king. Hamlet and Laertes are two caracter with quite some ressemblances, one of the most important beeing that both of their fathers were murdered and that they bot seek for vengance. Nevertheless during the play we see that they also have quite different characteristcs. While Laertes has a direct approach, act without thinking and seek revenge at any cost, Hamlet on the opposite is a thinker, he thinks so much that he becomes passive and pospond his vengance by three times. During the play they grow apart but however towards the end of the play, in this passage they finally forgive each other. It is the death of the one and only treater, King

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