
Advanced First Aid and Cpr

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Advanced First Aid and Cpr

“No man can reveal to you ought but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge.

The teacher who walks in the shadow of the temple, among his followers, gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and his lovingness.” – Khalil Gibran – The Prophet

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To give you a good overview of the principals of advanced first aid, shock, first aid safety, patient assessment, bleeding and wounds, fractures, choking and C.P.R.
To help you to reach an acceptable level of providing practical patient treatment.

FIRST AID is the initial assistance given for any victim before the arrival of an ambulance, doctor or other qualified person. The purpose of having people trained in First Aid is to provide help and care to the injured or sick, for the shortest possible time, until the care of the patient or victim can be taken over to a better-qualified person. In your working environment the better-qualified person can be the medical clinic staff, the ship’s doctor or nurse, or even the land-based ambulance staff. The fact that you will hand over your patient to another person doesn’t make what you are doing any less important. It is vitally important for any seriously injured or sick person to

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