I. Purpose/Hypothesis: In this lab the subject will grip on a scale that measures the amount of force being put on it. We will observe the change in hand strength during continuous grip over time. Then we will also measure hand strength during rapid, repetitive gripping. I believe that hand strength will weaken during a continuous grip more than if you were to keep a repetitive grip.
II. Procedure:
1. Connect the Hand Dynamomenter to LabQuest and select a new file
2. Change the time length to 100 seconds, and zero the readings on the hand dnyamomenter
3. Have the subject sit up straight, feet flat on the ground, and elbow at 90 degrees
4. Have the subject grip the sensor with full strength and start recording the data.
5. To retrieve data select the given time intervals on the graph, click Analyze and choose statistics to get the maximum force. (repeat this for every time interval)
6. Highlight 0−90 s on the graph. In the analyze menu select linear and record the slope
7. Do the same for repetitive grip.
III. Data:
Table 1 – Continuous Grip
Time Interval
Max force (N)
Change in Max force (N)
0 – 10s
20 – 30s
40 – 50s
60 – 70s
80 – 90s
Table 2 – Repetitive Grip
Time interval
Max Force (N)
Change in Max Force(N)
0 – 10s
20 – 30s
40 – 50s
60 – 70s
80 – 90s
Table 3
Part 1 – continuous gripping
Part 2 – repetitive gripping
IV. Conclusion: I saw that the subject’s grip strength was weakening drastically towards the end of each trial, but it seemed that the continuous gripping was more tiring than the repetitive gripping. This supports my hypothesis that the muscle fatigue is greater in the continuous grip.
V. Discussion Questions
1. Examine your graph and the data in Table 1. What conclusion can you draw about the