A Study of the European Cosmetics Industry
Executive Summary
Prepared for: European Commission, Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry Prepared by: Global Insight, Inc.
November 2007
Executive Summary - November 2007
Contact Information
Emilio Rossi Managing Director Business Planning Solutions, Europe Global Insight, (Italy) srl. Via S. Maria Segreta 6 20123 Milan +3902 8648 130 emilio.rossi@globalinsight.com Antonia Prlic Principal 1 Adelaide Street East Suite 2505, P.O. Box 198 Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2V9 Canada +1 416 682-7312 antonia.prlic@globalinsight.com Robert Hoffman Senior Consultant 1 Adelaide Street East Suite 2505, P.O. Box 198 Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2V9 Canada +1 416 682-7311 robert.hoffman@globalinsight.com
Executive Summary - November 2007
I. Broad Market Study
An overview of the broad cosmetics industry (also referred to as the cosmetics and toiletries (C&T) industry) in the EU, Japan, China, and the U.S. reveals that Europe's market size is almost as large as the U.S. and Japan combined, due to its large population. In 2006, the U.S. cosmetics market was €38.2 billion, while Japan's was €23.7 billion and China's €8.2 billion. The total EU27 cosmetics market was valued at €63.5 billion in 2006. Among the EU countries, Germany has the largest cosmetics market, valued at €11.7 billion, followed by France (€10.4 billion), the U.K. (€10 billion), Italy (€8.8 billion), and Spain (€7.4 billion). Europe, U.S., China, Japan C&T Market Sizes, Retail Sales Price, 2006, Total market €136.2 billion
EU12, 5.9, 4% China, 8.2, 6%
Switzerland, 1.6, 1% Norway, 1.0, 1%
EU15, 57.6, 43%
Japan, 23.7, 17%
US, 38.2, 28%
Source: Euromonitor, COLIPA Statistics Working Group
Per Capita Spending The average EU27 per capita cosmetics spending is €128 per year. Denmark and Sweden have the highest consumption of cosmetic products at €171, followed by Spain at €169 and France at €166.