
Why Is To Kill A Mockingbird So Important?

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Why Is To Kill A Mockingbird So Important?
What does it mean to be a great piece of literature? Everyone answers this question in a different way. A person could say that a great piece of literature is just simply a good book that they enjoy reading. Others would think more in depth. They could say that the way the author brings the book to life is what makes it great. Or how each character in the book is relatable. Harper Lee has written a novel that is a timeless story of character, prejudice, and a coming of age.
This book is timeless as Harper lee has given her characters all symbolic meanings. One Symbol/meaning that is set out through most of her characters is a mockingbird.

To be symbolized as a mocking bird means to be innocent. Tom Robinson is symbolized as a mocking
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Racism, education, justice and courage are all themes of Harper Lee’s book. One of the main theme that is shown throughout the novel is parenting. A statement Harper Lee once made about To Kill a Mockingbird, is that this novel is a love story. The Theme parenting is shown through Atticus’s love for his children, Scout and Jem. Love and parenting is also shown through Atticus's love for humankind and his attempt to pass this love and understanding on to his children. Throughout To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus is consistently teaching his children to love others by showing them respect. In the beginning of the novel, Atticus teaches Scout to put herself into other people's shoes to gain an understanding of their lives. "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb in his skin and walk around in it". He teaches the children to respect the Radley family, as they have been unjustly judged by the citizens of Maycomb. Through Atticus’ defence of Tom Robinson, he teaches the children that all humans deserve to be treated fairly. As a result of Atticus's example, the children learn that no one is better than anybody else, and that social class and race do not indicate what kind of a person someone

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