
Why Did the Industrial Revolution Began in Britain

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Why Did the Industrial Revolution Began in Britain
The Industrial Revolution was a period of great innovation and movement that affected the whole world; in one way or another. There were plenty of reason why the revolution emerged in Great Britain, they included steadiness in their social, economic, and political views. Britain worked sedulously especially on their navy, since the country was surrounded by water that played an enormous role on their part. The ocean helped in varies openings to a world of an endless opportunity both in economic and political sectors. Another important advantage the British had were colonies, which provided limitless supply of raw materials at little to no cost to the British. This way they were able to steadily grow at a faster rate, because of having invented Spinning Jenny and Water Frame. Spinning Jenny was invented by James Hargreaves, the main reason why it became popular was because the simple mechanics it used, not to mention it was quite economical to use. The Water Frame was invented by Richard Arkwright, it came to existence particularly used for cotton spinning mill. This steady growth could not have been carried out without the steam engine, which was invented by James Watt in 1763, the steam engine made quick and cheap way to transportation in just a couple of hours to days depending on the distance need to be covered. After hearing all these great ideas and success from this industrial revolution, the children were used badly as labors in factors, and farms. They played a significant role in this revolution to an extent that many of them were injuries operating machinery. Many future countries gained important knowledge from the British revolution that they used some of these tactics in other industrial revolutions. The location of Great Britain was significantly the most ideal for the flourishing of the first industrial revolution in the world. As a result of Britain being surrounded by water, other neighboring countries were greatly influenced

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