Ms. Strait
English 1301-03
Wednesday 22 October, 2014
Hunting Laws: The Aspect of Hunting
Why are people likely to break hunting laws, whereas the people with the license are the ones that suffer? Over the years people have violated hunting laws. There has been little research for motivations for poaching. Illegal taking of wildlife is a serious problem in today’s society. Questions such as these prompted are discussed in the two following articles: “Illegal Hunting and Angling the Neutralization of Wildlife,” by Stephen L. Eliason, and an article by Bob Hood “Rules of the Game.” At first it may appear that only way these two writers might meet in common ground would be in a head on collision. Nevertheless after reading their articles more carefully, one can realize that Eliason and Hood are actually saying two different things. …show more content…
Although their titles, for example, convey the same image: Eliasons aggressive “Illegal Hunting and Angling the Neutralization of Wildlife” versus Hoods passive “Rules of the Game.” Their subject matters and these authors reasons for writing make them very dissimilar, Eliason states how the very impact of poaching has affected our society by contrast Hood is merely stating the facts of our local Texas game laws. Between Eliasons use of his method of trying to inform the reader what poaching can do and Hoods general statements on how to follow Texas game warden laws, readers have difficulty recognizing a neutral meeting ground between these persistent