All animals should have the right to roam freely without being pursued and/or killed. Hunters cause injuries, pain and suffering to defenseless animals, they destroy their families and home, and leave …show more content…
Bullfighting is brutal and should of been banned long ago. Bullfighting is a traditional Spanish, or Latin America spectacle in which bulls are fought by a matador, assisted by banderilleros and picadors, in the end the bulls are usually slaughtered (“Bullfighting: The Facts”). The matador are always dressed in a traditional costume of brilliant colors. Bullfighting is viewed by many as the mysterious ritual between man and beast. In reality bulls are not aggressive animals, the only reason they are furious and attempts to charge at the matador is mainly, because they have been horrendously abused for the previous two days (“Bullfighting: The Facts”). Their ears are stuffed with wet newspaper; Vaseline is intentionally rubbed into his eyes to blur his vision; cotton is stuffed up his nostrils to cut off respiration; strong caustic solution is rubbed onto his legs to throw him off-balance; and lastly a needle is stuck into their genitals (“Bullfighting: The Facts”). On top of all that, they drug the bulls to slow them down. Just before releasing the bulls into the ring; they are kept for days trapped in a dark box; the purpose being is that when they are released they runs desperately towards the light (“Bullfighting: The Facts”). The matador tries to kill the bull with his sword, every time he misses, he stabs the animal on the back of the neck until the animal is paralyzed (Lucas). The idea for this is to cut the animal’s spinal cord. In many cases the matador fails to do so; the bulls may be completely conscious while its ears or tail are removed as trophies (Lucas). In many circumstances they remain alive until they are dragged out of the arena to be slaughtered. Spain has an official number of bulls allowed to be killed in permanent bullrings; in 2006 it was