
Who Is Booker T. Dubois

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Who Is Booker T. Dubois
Booker T. Washington dedicated on having education for actual life jobs and not requesting for fairness from the whites. Booker T focused on receiving assistance from the whites and tolerating their position as blacks in the world. WEB Dubois was dedicated on the precisely the different things of Booker T. Washington. Dubois focused on a plan called the gradualist political strategy. The gradualist political strategy says that Dubois was very attentive on blacks being intelligent to get anywhere in life.
Back in the days once discrimination was a vast problem there were two main leaders that went into play to help control the issues. Even though they remained totally opposite both of them made gigantic changes in the segregation of the United
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Washington. Booker T. Washington desired the good to show in all of black people. He thought that the blacks should work for themselves. Booker T. Washington asked the white people for help not equal opportunity. Booker T. Washington thought that they would not make it everywhere in humanity if they focused on just equality. Booker T. Washington required to have blacks qualified for society and real life situations, he believed that was way more significant than being book smart and not being able to use whatsoever you learned outside. He wanted job education for blacks so they could learn how to do their jobs and do it correctly. Booker T. Washington was known as being a great public speaker, but not only did Booker T. Washington focus on talking to blacks he also talked to whites as well. When speaking to the whites he concentrated on how blacks are labeled. When he talked to the blacks although he talked to them about how they should not hide in the whites shades, they should break out of the box and be who they want to be. Booker T. Washington all in all though concentrated on all blacks getting profitable …show more content…
Washington. Booker T. Washington agreed that blacks would never be equal to whites and instead of fighting with it he accepted it. By accepting that the blacks would not once be equal it stopped them from killing anytime trying to become better people. Booker T. Washington took the impression of never receiving past racism and talked about it. As an alternative of speaking that one day the blacks would have equality and speaking wrong, Booker T. Washington spoke to them that being the same is not what it is all about. He did this so the blacks would not lose confidence and ultimately give their hopes up on being one and the same. They ended up concentrating on themselves and their brothers and thought the system a lesson. They accepted themselves as blacks into this country. In today's day and age , there are people who are still racist, people who don't agree to blacks because of their shade and principles, but today blacks realize that and accept it. This is what happened just back in the day, so in a way Booker T. Washington was right, blacks would never be accepted systematically into the country. Even though there are more rights now for blacks than there was back then there is still racism in this nation state. Most of the racism today does not so much concentration with blacks but mostly Indians and Mexicans that are now entering this country. In a way then Booker T. Washington's theory will

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