The character Jack in Lord of the Flies had been civil and unable to kill a pig, “because of the enormity of the knife descending and cutting into living flesh; because of the unbearable blood,” however, later on in the story, Jack had brutally murdered a sow without a second thought. Also unfazed by the death of Piggy, he had ordered his tribe to hunt down Ralph to kill him. The character Roger also faces a development of his savage manner depicted when “[he] stooped, picked up a stone, aimed and threw it at Henry- threw it to miss.” The intent to miss implied how he still felt the consequences of the law and order back home if he were to hit Henry. Later on, when Piggy had confronted Jack’s tribe about the stolen fire and glasses, Roger pulled a lever, knowing a large rock were to roll down, to kill Piggy. The size of the rocks used in Roger’s attack could represent his development of savageness as well. When he had thrown to miss, he used a small stone, but when he killed Piggy, he used a giant rock. The development of their savageness was triggered by the loss of
The character Jack in Lord of the Flies had been civil and unable to kill a pig, “because of the enormity of the knife descending and cutting into living flesh; because of the unbearable blood,” however, later on in the story, Jack had brutally murdered a sow without a second thought. Also unfazed by the death of Piggy, he had ordered his tribe to hunt down Ralph to kill him. The character Roger also faces a development of his savage manner depicted when “[he] stooped, picked up a stone, aimed and threw it at Henry- threw it to miss.” The intent to miss implied how he still felt the consequences of the law and order back home if he were to hit Henry. Later on, when Piggy had confronted Jack’s tribe about the stolen fire and glasses, Roger pulled a lever, knowing a large rock were to roll down, to kill Piggy. The size of the rocks used in Roger’s attack could represent his development of savageness as well. When he had thrown to miss, he used a small stone, but when he killed Piggy, he used a giant rock. The development of their savageness was triggered by the loss of