
What Is The Mystery Behind The Jonestown Massacre

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What Is The Mystery Behind The Jonestown Massacre
“ In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epoch, it is the rule.” (Nietzsche). Everything starts of pure but when groups form the people involved turn it into a deranged scheme. The Peoples Temple Church is based off of ending racism and equality. But it took a terrible turn of events by portraying a demonic cult led by the infamous Jim Jones. Jim had always grown up in a religious environment, he started his own church in 1955. The mystery behind the Jonestown Massacre can be summed up in two theories: mass suicide ad the CIA being involved.
To begin with, Jim Jones completely eradicated so many lives, the answer to his thinking is still unknown. Jim Jones, founder of The Peoples Temple along with being a son of a KLU KLUX KLAN member has always expressed his beliefs since he was a young boy (Michael 194). In fact, in San Francisco on Geary Street, a deeply religious man opened up his first temple and presented it as a branch off of Christianity. Even though Jones established a church it didn’t give off the good persona he was hoping
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On the contrary, Daniel Martine was a life long friend of Jim Jones. He helped Jones established The Peoples Temple Church in San Francisco, soon after Martine became a torture instructor for the CIA ( Michael 194). Congressman Leo Ryan would have exposed Jonestown and the CIA for what it truly was. Since Ryan visited Jonestown, the government or agency’s work could of been made visible. They needed to dispose of nine hundred Americans to protect themselves. ( Michael 195 ). The CIA was covering something up about the Jonestown Massacre, but at the same time almost everyone had heard of Jim Jones and his socialist church. So why did they move to Guyana? Only one possible answer is correct, which was to get rid of all evidence that led back to

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