According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, “The ESA defines an endangered species as one currently in danger of extinction
Callahan 2 throughout all or a significant portion of its range, and a threatened species as one that is likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future.” Many people are interpreting the manatees’ removal from the endangered species list as displaying that they are no longer in any amount of danger. Some are requesting that many speed regulations be removed and the other regulations be dismissed. However, if these regulations are done away with, the status of the manatee population could be in jeopardy.
While some people are challenging these laws, others are ignoring them entirely. These people argue that the animal is no longer endangered, so the laws no longer are serving a purpose. They also claim that the laws were originally created based on emotions and a love of the gentle giant. However, the laws were very clearly based on logic, and with the intention of preventing as many boating accidents as possible, which is one of the largest threats to …show more content…
However, in a threat analysis released by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, it is stated that the
“assessment of threats suggests that watercraft-related mortality is having the greatest impact on manatee population growth and resilience.” (2) If these speed regulations were removed, as much of the public wishes, then the manatee population could end up facing a threat to their existence as large as that which existed in the early 1990s, when conservation effort first
Callahan 3 began.While their numbers have grown substantially, manatees still need and our help protection. The laws that were put in place were not temporary fixes, but permanent solutions to a problem that humans created and are responsible for fixing, and keeping fixed.
Why is all of this even important? Why should people care about this?Well, does every species not have the same right to this earth? Humans share the planet with all other living things, and we cannot put ourselves at a higher place than the others. These animals do