
Wall Street Crash of 1929 and New Farming Equipment

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Wall Street Crash of 1929 and New Farming Equipment
The Causes And Effects of The Great Depression The Great Depression was devastating for many people. Many people struggled in poverty, and had a hard time making ends meet. The Great Depression had many causes and effects but people made it through all of the hard times. They did their best to keep a roof over their head and their families together. The main causes of The Great Depression were uneven distribution of wealth, the stock market crash, bank failures, and The Dust Bowl. Uneven distribution of wealth was the biggest cause of the depression. More money would be handed out to the wealthy, and very little was handed out to the poor. Farmers spent the money they had on new farming equipment, and would not share any money that they had. The stock market crashed in 1929. It was so bad, that people would save their own money at home and invest in it. This stock market crash soon led to the bank failures. Many people took their money out of the bank and saved it under their mattresses at home. Also, another contributing factor to the depression was the big Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl Spread out in the south and cause a lot of crops to die. It also brought drought which was bad for crops. There was less distribution of crops, so the price of food was raised. The main effects of The Great Depression were unemployment, the closing of businesses, and the depression going global. After the Great Depression had started, unemployment spread throughout the United States. Many people struggled after loosing their jobs, and had a hard time making ends meet. The unemployment had caused businesses to close down. It was a crisis for everyone, and many people lived in poverty. The depression soon became global. Many people around the world were effected by the raised prices of crops in the United States. People started to struggle just like the Americans since a lot of their food was imported from America. It became a big problem for everyone. In

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