
Values Orientation of Senior Nursing Students of a State University in Iloilo City, Philippines

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Values Orientation of Senior Nursing Students of a State University in Iloilo City, Philippines

Chapter 1
Introduction of the Study
This chapter consists of five parts namely: (1) Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study, (2) Statement of the Problem and the Hypothesis,
(3) Significance of the Study, (4) Definition of Terms and (5) Delimitation of the Study.

Background of the Study and Theoretical Framework

Since early times, the nursing profession has evolved in response to the changing needs of society. Globalization has altered the structure of the society which resulted to the emergence of new nursing habits, standards, customs, values and knowledge in response to the health of the population. Nursing education has been grounded in research associated with value orientation and a professional standard of practice. Therapeutic nursing interventions are supported by the middle range theories and accompanying research and a culmination of how the world views the profession and nursing practice. Nursing theorists through time had improved the standards of nurses and health care delivery and also the expectation that care should be based on compassion, observation, and knowledge. Florence Nightingale, considered as the founder of modern nursing, specifically defined the nature of nursing clearly as distinct and not subservient to medicine, as a calling, as an art and science requiring specific education.
Humanity has considered nurses to be ‘the most trusted people’ because the values of confidentiality and privacy have long been rooted. Nurses are also expected to emanate the values of humanism and holism that have long been integrated in the foundation of nursing. Values are standards or qualities considered worthwhile and desirable. Values are also closely tied to the self since they act as guiding principles in one’s life and motivate and guide behaviour to the degree those values are important to the self (Hitlin, 2003; Hitlin & Piliavin,

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