Unit 233 Meet food safety requirements when providing food and drink for individuals
Please answer the following questions in as much detail as possible, and use a different colour to make your answers stand out. Put your name and date on the completed work and send to your assessor.
1. Identify potential food safety hazards when preparing, serving, clearing away and storing food and drink
Potential food safety hazards when preparing, serving, clearing away and storing food and drink are contamination for example bacteria, moulds, viruses; physical and chemical contaminants for example foreign bodies, chemicals; food pests for example flies, weevils, cockroaches.
2. Explain the importance of implementing food safety …show more content…
Explain the importance of storing different types of food and drink safely. Correct storage of will protect food against contamination, deterioration and damage. There are simple things you can do to reduce waste, save money and still make sure food is safe. The simplest thing is to try to make sure you don't buy or cook more food than you want to eat. Storing food in a refrigerator Some food needs to be kept in the fridge to help stop bacteria from growing on it, such as food with a 'use by' date, cooked food and ready-to-eat food such as desserts and cooked meats • Keep food covered to protect it from contamination from raw foods and physical objects • Always store “cooked” food above “raw” meat in the refrigerator this will eliminate the risk of contamination from bacteria and blood through spillage. • Do not store food in open cans because when a can has been opened and the food is open to the air, the tin from the can might transfer more quickly to the can's contents. • Do not overstock the refrigerator as this will affect the airflow around the food. • Do not put hot food into a refrigerator as this will raise the internal temperature of the fridge and place other foods at risk from poor temperature