
Truman's Decision To Drop The Atomic Bomb

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Truman's Decision To Drop The Atomic Bomb
There were a series of events that lead to the decision to drop the first atomic bomb on Japan which included: Pearl Harbor, Battle of Midway, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. The first event that led to the decision to bomb Japan was driven by retribution for the Japanese bomb on Pearl Harbor that killed thousands and destroyed the majority of military resources located in the area. The second event that led to Truman’s ruling was, the Battle of Midway, this battle signaled that without interference Emperor Hirohito would not falter with his goal of conquering Asia. The next event that led to the decision to drop the bomb was the battle at Iwo Jima, even though the Japanese knew that they were eventually going to lose to the U.S their strong sense of …show more content…
Lastly the last event that led to the use of an atomic bomb was at Okinawa, the Japanese were unwavering and as a last ditch effort the Japanese unleashed suicide pilots also known as kamikazes to make sure to take as many Americans as they could down with them. After the previously stated events America was considering the use of nuclear weapons to end the war with Japan to prevent unnecessary deaths and use of resources. President Truman was the one made the decision to drop Fat Man on Nagasaki and Little Boy on Hiroshima. They were dropped on August 9th, 1945. After considering the pros and cons of the use of nuclear weapons I believe that President Truman and the U.S were not justified in the use of the atomic bomb to force Japan’s surrender. First of all there were alternative options to resolve the war than resorting to drop a bomb. Instead of bombing Japan we could’ve cut a deal or create a treaty to end the war with little to no bloodshed or could’ve even waited for the Russians to attack to scare Japan into conditional surrender or at least less casualties if assisted by U.S army. Truman should have assessed

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