
To What Extent Is Othello A Tragic Hero

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To What Extent Is Othello A Tragic Hero
Heroes will come for aid to where they called for. It might be heroes that are seen in movies and books leading their country in battle or rescuing the princess from the dragon. Perhaps, the tragic hero is the rarest hero of all. William Shakespeare has imaginatively made the absolute most acclaimed the tragic hero and plays ever. With one of the best stories, Othello. Othello is a tragic hero because of his titled characteristics, his tragic mistakes, and his tragic defeat.

There must first be a titled character for somebody to be a tragic hero. Othello can be considered as a titled character as he is one of the most highest ranking and he has a honest to goodness heart. Othello, regardless of coming from a rugged past, he is an honorable war hero and the general of the Venetian army. Alongside his social reputation, Othello additionally has a respectable heart. Despite the fact that he sometimes speaks to as forceful or savage, Othello's cherishing nature can be found in a specific case, for example, when
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Othello's defeat is placed in motion when the jealous Iago begins "planting seeds of doubt" into Othello's insecure mind. Iago's controlling words make Othello believe that his wife is cheating on him. Othello being an untouchable in Venice and the main black character brings numerous insecurities. His lack of protection makes him a simple focus for Iago to control him. Othello starts to trust that he isn't "sufficient" for Desdemona "She's gone, I am abused, and my relief must be to loathe her. Oh, curse of marriage That we can call these delicate creatures ours And not their appetites!" (3.3.283-286). Iago was effortlessly ready to persuade Othello that Desdemona has been undermining him. Despite the fact that, Othello doesn't know his nervousness has assumed control over his life until the point when it is past the point of no return and his tragic defeat has just wound up in a real

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