
The Horrible Lives Of Immigrants In The 1900's

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The Horrible Lives Of Immigrants In The 1900's
Immigrants Horrible Lives Have you ever wondered if you are related to one of the immigrants in the 1900’s? The immigrants had a dreadful life at this time. Immigrants were brave because they crossed the ocean and went through the checkpoint at Ellis Island. To start the immigrants take an awful voyage across the ocean. Immigrants had a lousy boat ride to get to America. Lots of people persecuted the immigrants from their country. On page 20, it said “Travelers often made their wills before sailing.” The quote means that the trip was so dangerous they thought they were going to die. In the text it said, “Aboard a steamship crowded with immigrants.” The piece of text shows a lot of people were coming with religious beliefs. For example the immigrants “slept on iron or wooden bunks, in three tiers, each with a straw mattress and no pillow.” The text meant that the sleeping arrangements were horrible. Furthermore the immigrants go through a disagreeable checkpoint at Ellis Island. …show more content…
Immigrants went through a very long process because of the checkpoint. According to the text “A docter examined eyes for trachoma, a contagious disease.” The American’s wanted them to be healthy because the Americans did not want to be sick. On page 27, the text said “They tested intelligence and the law said, ruled out “idiots, imbeciles or morons.” The quote means that if the immigrants were not smart they had to go back to their home country. The caption on page 26 stated “Immigrants arriving at Ellis Island waiting on the first of many lines.” The text meant immigrants had to wait in many lines to get through the checkpoint. In addition the immigrants start a dreadful life in

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